Unique Intranet Demonstration Video for Beginners Guide
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Viva Connections
Sep 28, 2023 2:06 PM

Unique Intranet Demonstration Video for Beginners Guide

by HubSite 365 about Ellen van Aken

Pro UserViva ConnectionsLearning Selection

Get a compelling glimpse into the value of Intranet Demo videos by a Microsoft expert, aiding effective workplace communication.

An Intriguing Video Demo on Intranets Unveiled

Renowned professional Ellen van Aken shared her unique experience on the utility of intranet demonstrations during an online conversation with Intranet Management (Italy). Unlike the flashy teaser videos, the somewhat understated intranet demo videos epitomizes value, as per Ellen's assessment.

The efficacy of a Demo video is multifold. While it promotes awareness of the new intranet akin to a teaser, it accompanies the end-user in the actual interface navigation. Seeing someone effortlessly handle the new intranet can inspire beginners to give it a try - making this a perfect tool for those less familiar with a computer.

Tangible benefits of a demo include saving time and effort for the training departments (often HR, Communications and/or IT). A quick demonstration can also be utilized to familiarize new employees with the intranet environment.

A common query Ellen addressed, was whether the intranet should be intuitive enough to make a demo redundant. The answer, unfortunately, isn't a straightforward yes or no. While a new intranet interface might be intuitive for some, acknowledging the diversity of tech-savviness across users is crucial.

The demonstration can be particularly beneficial when major updates to design, layout, and navigation have taken place. Guiding users through important changes can ensure smoother adaptation to the new workspace. However, do remember that technical hand-holding shouldn't limit itself to an intranet demo video.

Additionally, while explaining the intricacies of the intranet is superb for getting started, some users will invariably require more assistance. The mode of assistance can also vary based on the organization.

The blog also highlights an innovative demo video by a software company. Their corporate mission is to assist enterprises in transitioning their legacy systems to modern digital infrastructures. This is encapsulated in their invigorating tagline "Set IT Free." This ethos extends to their intranet, too.

Ellen encourages readers to share their own demo videos, remarking that though she's seen many, she's yet to encounter the perfect one. Finally, she concludes by encouraging readers to upload their demo videos or share links to their demos on platforms like YouTube or Vimeo.

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For additional perspective and detailed insights surfacing from the discussion, feel free to visit the Viva Connections portal.

  • An intriguing demo video on intranets.
  • Benefits of intranet demo video: saving HR, IT and Communications departments' time and resources.
  • The necessity of a demo for any new Intranet environment.
  • Why diverse levels of user tech-fluency should be considered.
  • The innovative demo video by a software company aiming to "Set IT Free".

More discussions on the topic of intranet demo videos will be eagerly welcomed by our readers and the broader community. Understanding how organizations harness these tools to aid transition and adaptation will continue to be valuable with the ever-accelerating digital transformation. Hence, such insightful contributions from experts like Ellen present an immense learning opportunity for all.

Read the full article An unusual intranet demonstration video

Viva Connections - Unique Intranet Demonstration Video for Beginners Guide

Learn about An unusual intranet demonstration video

In this modern and digital age, interactive mediums such as demo videos are increasingly used for various purposes. Particularly, in the realm of Intranet Management, relatively less brilliant demo videos serve an extremely valuable function.

The concept of crafting a Demo video for a new Intranet might seem like a superfluous task for some, yet it presents multiple core benefits. The key advantage of a Demo video is not simply fostering awareness about the new intranet, but its primary role lies in aiding people in the practical use of the intranet.

By demonstrating how to work with the newly launched intranet, the demo video could potentially ease the adoption process for a lot of users. Do bear in mind that not everyone has a high level of digital literacy. This fact makes the role of a good demo video more crucial as it can significantly save time and effort of HR, Communications, or IT departments in providing technical support. Furthermore, the lifespan of a demo video extends beyond intranet launch, thereby making a better return on investment compared to teaser videos.

  • While teasers can be render obsolete post-launch, demo videos can serve as an ongoing orientation material for new hires.

  • Employing a Demo video can lower the barrier for new users and reduce the fear of using a whole new system.

  • A Demo video can also guide users through site navigation, layout, design changes, and more.

However, there are always more tools needed for complete integration. A Demo video is a great start but depending on the nature of your organization, you may need to organize additional webinars, online sessions, personal help, and maybe even classroom training for more non-digital natives.

In a rather intriguing instance, an intranet demo video was spotted for a particular software company with a rather unique goal - to assist other organizations in altering or enhancing their software systems. The goal was to liberate IT from the burden of maintaining aging systems - a goal that was reflected in their intranet as well.

The enterprise software company's motto "Set IT Free" appeared to be fully embodied in their internal communication system. Their unique intranet tagline suggests an aim to promote independence among their employees, albeit with a slightly amusing undertone.

The world of Demo videos for intranets is vast and full of potential. There isn't a manual or a 'perfect' method to create these videos. Yet, by sharing each other's Demo videos, we can learn and grow together. If you've created a Demo video for your intranet's (re)launch, consider uploading it to easily accessible platforms like YouTube or Vimeo.

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