Power Automate BULK / Batch Create Dataverse records FAST with the Web API
Power Automate
Apr 12, 2024 3:16 AM

Power Automate BULK / Batch Create Dataverse records FAST with the Web API

by HubSite 365 about Sean Astrakhan (Untethered 365)

Solutions Architect, YouTuber, Team Lead

Citizen DeveloperPower AutomateLearning Selection

Speed Up Dataverse Record Creation with Power Automates Web API!

Key insights


  • Power Automate enables bulk or batch creation of Dataverse records rapidly using the Web API.
  • Utilize the Invoke an HTTP action for batch operations instead of applying actions to each record individually.
  • Exclusive training for architects is available to enhance skills in implementing these methods.
  • Comprehensive documentation is provided to guide through batch operations using the Web API.
  • These strategies are designed to accelerate workflow efficiency and data management in Power Automate.

Enhancing Data Management with Power Automate

The emergence of automated systems for managing and manipulating large volumes of data has significantly transformed the way organizations operate. Power Automate, Microsoft's powerful automation tool, has introduced a highly efficient method for creating Dataverse records in bulk through the Web API. This capability not only simplifies the process of handling extensive data sets but also substantially increases productivity by eliminating the need for repetitive individual record processing.

The YouTube video created by Sean Astrakhan, titled "Untethered 365," dives into the efficient method of batch creating Dataverse records via the Web API, a more advanced alternative to the standard 'Apply to Each' approach in Power Automate. This technique significantly speeds up the process, making it ideal for developers looking to streamline their workflow.


By utilizing the 'Invoke an HTTP action,' users can create Dataverse records in batches rather than individually processing each one. This method not only saves time but also optimizes the performance of Power Automate, allowing for faster implementation of automation projects. The video aims to be a resource for architects and developers, providing them with the tools to accelerate their tasks.

For those looking to deepen their understanding, the video mentions training programs specifically designed for Architects at Untethered 365. Additionally, it references Microsoft's official documentation to help users guide themselves through the process of batch operations using the Web API. These resources are invaluable for anyone seeking to leverage Power Automate for more complex, efficient operations.

In summary, Sean Astrakhan's video offers an insightful exploration into the capabilities of batch processing Dataverse records with the Web API. By stepping away from the traditional 'Apply to Each' method, developers can achieve much more efficient and faster data handling. This video serves not only as a tutorial but also as a doorway to further educational resources for professionals eager to optimize their use of automation technologies.

Power Automate - Fast Bulk Creation of Dataverse Records with Power Automate


Power Automate Batch Create, Bulk Dataverse Records, Fast Web API, Automate Dataverse Web API, Quick Batch Creation Power Automate, Speed Up Dataverse Insertions, Efficient Bulk Load Dataverse, Power Automate Web API Optimization