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Comprehensive Guide: Using Retention Labels with Microsoft Syntex
May 2, 2023 11:00 AM

Comprehensive Guide: Using Retention Labels with Microsoft Syntex

by HubSite 365 about Microsoft

Software Development Redmond, Washington

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Become a Pro at Applying Retention Labels with Microsoft Syntex - The Ultimate Guide

You can easily apply a retention label to unstructured, structured and prebuilt models in Microsoft Syntex.

Retention labels let you apply retention settings to the documents that your models identify. For example, you want your model to not only identify any Insurance notice documents that are uploaded to your document library, but to also apply a Business retention tag to them so that these documents can’t be deleted from the document library for the specified time period (the next five months, for example).

Microsoft Syntex is a cloud-based retention label service that allows organizations to apply retention labels to their data, such as documents, emails, and other data stored in Microsoft cloud services. The labels can be used to ensure that the data is retained for a set period of time, and then automatically deleted after that period. The labels can also be used to ensure that data is not shared with unauthorized users. The service is part of the Microsoft 365 Compliance Center, and is available to organizations that use the Office 365 suite of services.

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