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Easy Guide: Crafting Multi-table Lookup With Virtual Table
Power Apps
Oct 20, 2022 8:31 AM

Easy Guide: Crafting Multi-table Lookup With Virtual Table

by HubSite 365 about Frederik Bisback

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Learn to create a custom multi-table lookup using a virtual table in dataverse the easy way with Microsoft.

YouTube Video Details Overview

The YouTube video by Frederik Bisback goes into detail about how to create a custom multi-table lookup with a virtual table in Microsoft Power Apps, more specifically in Dataverse. Commenting on the process, Bisback mentions its similarity to a regular multi-table lookup or joins, marked by its added flexibility of relating to multiple tables using the same field.

In his explanation, Bisback refers to the creation and modification of custom multi-table lookups, currently possible via the SDK or Web APIs. Developers can look forward to interactive user interface support due for release in the future. Microsoft's recent feature can now include virtual tables in these multi-table lookups as part of the offering, notably one named the AAD user table.

Bisback then talks about the straightforward way of conducting this process. He emphasizes the usage of a custom table (entity) named "customer". In this particular table, there is an addition of the multi-table lookup that includes two system tables (Users and Application User) along with the virtual table of AAD users. He recommends using XrmToolBox with the tool Polymorphic lookup manager to make this addition.

To connect XrmToolBox to your environment, he suggests using predefined environment connections. Upon successful connection, the user can search for the tool "Polymorphic Lookup Manager", select, open it, and create new polymorphic lookups. This overall process allows us to implement multi-table lookup via XrmToolBox, where we can employ virtual tables in the multi-table lookup.

Comprehension on a General Note

Creating custom multi-table lookups with a virtual table in Microsoft's service is an important skill for any developer or user who desires to make the most out of their data systems. It allows greater flexibility in managing, accessing, and organizing data. The recent developments in this feature, including virtual tables and the AAD user table, represent an evolution in how data can be manipulated and used in this utility.

For those familiar with Power Apps, the inclusion of virtual tables further enhances the capability to manage complex and interrelated data sets. The application of these features in designing and developing custom tables can make the operation of these systems more efficient.

The ease of use, as exemplified by Bisback, in creating polymorphic lookup using tools such as XrmToolBox can significantly improve the user experience. It simplifies the process and makes the task less daunting, even for less experienced users.

Read the full article Create a custom multi-table lookup with a virtual table. The easy way.

Power Apps - Easy Guide: Crafting Multi-table Lookup With Virtual Table

Learn about Create a custom multi-table lookup with a virtual table. The easy way.

To develop a deep understanding of the topic regarding custom multi-table lookups and virtual tables, one can follow specific resources that elucidate the concept with precision and clarity. For instance, there are specific Microsoft related courses, blogs, and technology platforms that provide detailed, user-friendly tutorials.

The first step on this learning journey centers on comprehending dataverse and custom multi-table lookups, otherwise known as a polymorphic lookup. Understanding the functionality of multi-table lookups can be accomplished through online courses such as Microsoft's 'Power Apps for Developers' and 'Working with the Dataverse'. These courses offer in-depth discussions on the concept of Dataverse and its related applications.

Once the foundational understanding is established, one could delve into understanding the process of creating and modifying custom multi-table lookups via SDK or Web APIs. Microsoft's official documentation and its 'SDK and API' online course can be a valuable resource to get started with this.

Moreover, one can employ interactive software tools; for instance, an application called XrmToolBox can be used which features a 'Polymorphic Lookup Manager'. Here, this manager allows us to create multi-table lookups in a simple manner. Various blogs and forums share step-by-step tutorials on how to use the XrmToolBox, providing easy-to-follow instructions.

Understanding the function of virtual tables becomes the next motive. The recent development that Microsoft incorporates within the multi-table lookups is the inclusion of virtual tables, including the AAD user table. Detailed Microsoft blogs and the 'Insights for Dataverse' course elucidate how this addition improves functionality, helping learners understand it even better.

When it comes to hands-on practice, a situation can be created within a solution. For instance, a plan named 'customer', where the multi-table lookup includes system tables and a virtual table of AAD users can be added. This exercise can help in getting hands-on experience, increasing the understanding of the multi-table lookup creation process.

Lastly, gauging understandability and implementation can be achieved by observing outcomes. For instance, a model-driven app can display the results of the multi-table lookup - providing visual confirmation of the learner's success. Online tutorial courses that involve project-based learning can be eminently helpful in providing such insights.

In conclusion, building a strong understanding of custom multi-tables, virtual tables, and multi-table lookups requires a combination of theoretical specifics, practical application software tutorials, and hands-on problem-solving. By following the recommended online courses, tutorials, blogs, and forums - it is absolutely feasible to master this topic and become skilled in utilizing such features within Microsoft's environments.

Remember, questions can always arise even after thorough learning. However, available online communities, forums and Microsoft's support are always ready to provide extra assistance. Keep exploring and experimenting!

More links on about Create a custom multi-table lookup with a virtual table. The easy way.

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