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Boosting Efficiency with Low-Code for Code-First Developers
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Oct 20, 2022 8:48 AM

Boosting Efficiency with Low-Code for Code-First Developers

by HubSite 365 about Microsoft

Software Development Redmond, Washington

Citizen DeveloperHigh Code DevPower Apps

Boost application development speed and efficiency with Microsofts low-code solutions designed for code-first and citizen developers alike.

The blog by Microsoft speaks about the significance of low-code application development, particularly for code-first developers. This isn't intended to replace their jobs, but rather work in conjunction with existing code structures to speed up application development. The low-code apps also facilitate cooperation with citizen developers, while maintaining oversight of your apps on a larger scale.

A standout point is the collaboration-centric approach that low-code apps offer. This collaborative nature effectively unifies code-first developers and citizen developers, welcoming essential input from all business areas to influence the direction of an application's development. The final result is a more impactful application, thanks to the diverse experiences and perspectives.

Moreover, the collaborative approach doesn't end at the development stage; it extends to the debugging process as well. With Microsoft's Power Platform and VS Code, debugging simplifies, even for veteran programmers. If you need further details, please follow this link.

The Speed and Collaboration of Low-Code Apps

The Power Apps Component Framework (PCF) offers time-saving benefits by making custom code components as reusable visual extensions. Not only do the low-code apps bridge the gap between different types of developers, but they also speed up the development process. Building basic front ends can be achieved in just minutes by utilizing data from tools you already use and customizing common code components.

Back-end developers, particularly those focused on database and API management, can extend their tools and processes with low-code environments. Power Platform enables you to maintain control over all your custom connections and API endpoints, making API management accessible to citizen developers as well.

The blog also highlights how low-code apps automate application deployment and governance at scale. Traditional DevOps workflows usually exclude citizen developers from the governance process. Power Platform has changed this by letting developers create automated ALM processes that can be deployed across different environments using the upcoming Power Platform Pipelines feature.

Alongside, Azure DevOps or GitHub Actions for Power Platform can be used for achieving complex workflows. Low-code environments like Power Platform make application lifecycle management (ALM) processes simpler with GitHub Actions. Some of the potential actions include environment provisioning, static analysis checks, and the import/export of application metadata.

The Power Apps Developer Plan is recommended for those aiming to accelerate application development, create a collaborative coding environment, and automate repetitive tasks. Using this plan, you and your coding team can start developing and testing apps immediately, with benefits like premium and custom connector support, data modeling with Dataverse, and workflow automation with Power Automate.

Read the full article Maximize Efficiency: Utilizing Low-Code as a Code-First Developer

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Learn about Maximize Efficiency: Utilizing Low-Code as a Code-First Developer

If you want to delve into the world of low-code apps, a great starting point would be the Power Apps Developer Plan. In this post, we'll review the concepts and courses that could enhance your understanding and skill in this area. This knowledge propels you to maximise the efficiency of application development while collaborating with citizen programmers.

The first principle to understand is that low-code apps are meant to supplement your work, not automate or replace it. The idea here is to enable you to speed up application development without compromising on governance. A critical aspect of low-code apps is the collaboration-first approach to development.

When working with low-code applications, a good course to consider is introduction to the Power Apps Developer Plan. This course helps you understand how Power Apps Studio, Microsoft's low-code app, fosters collaboration between citizen and code-first programmers. You will learn how low-code applications like Power Apps Studio enable collaboration even from native surfaces like VS Code.

Collaborative development extends to debugging processes as well, which bookends another key takeaway. The Power Platform and VS Code introduce neat features like Monitor and port tunneling for ASP.NET Core projects. Courses focusing on debugging with low-code apps and tools like Monitor would assist you in understanding this.

Low-code apps aren't just for bridging gaps between different types of developers; they also significantly boost your development speed. Understanding how to leverage data from existing systems and tools and how to customize common code components allows for speedy front-end development. The Power Apps Component Framework (PCF) is an excellent resource here, providing custom code components as reusable visual extensions. Relevant courses for understanding and utilizing PCF would be highly beneficial for developing on the front end.

For back-end developers, incorporating API management is another essential piece of the puzzle. Extending existing database handling and API management tools and techniques with Power Platform would be beneficial in staying organized, compliant, and collaborative. Learning to use Azure API Management Connector on Power Platform, which simplifies the API creation process, is another step in the journey.

For DevOps, understanding how to streamline application lifecycle management (ALM) processes is critical. Low-code environments enable programmers to create simplified ALM automation workflows that can be deployed and audited across various environments. Platforms like Azure DevOps or GitHub Actions for Power Platform allow for greater automation of tasks, like environment provisioning or deprovisioning, static analysis checks, and importing or exporting application metadata. Training courses on these specific platforms and tools might be very helpful for code-first developers working with DevOps teams.

Finally, keeping governance in mind is crucial. With platforms like Power Platform, you can rest assured that you can have central control and oversight over your low-code applications. Understanding and training in Power Platform usage and its governance capabilities would be beneficial for any organization.

In summary, venturing into low-code apps as a code-first developer involves understanding the collaboration-first approach, familiarizing oneself with specific tools and platforms like Power Apps Studio and Power Platform, and mastering application lifecycle management processes. Several courses and training programs could provide you with the required skill set. Remember, the goal is to streamline and accelerate app development while enailing collaborative coding with citizen developers.

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Maximize Efficiency, Utilizing Low-Code, Code-First Developer, Efficiency in Coding, Code Optimization, Low-Code Development, Improve Coding Efficiency, High Productivity Software, Application Development Efficiency, Code-First Development Strategy.