Microsoft is taking a stride towards a passwordless future with their latest Windows 11 update announced at their AI and Surface launch event. The new update will introduce public support for passkeys, a passwordless login technology which allows users to sign in using their face, fingerprint, or device PIN. Rather than inputting a traditional password, users are able to create, manage, and store passkeys, and use them to access supported websites and services through their device's own authentication systems. The features had been tested by the Windows Insider developer channel in the past and is going to be brought to general availability from September 26th with this update. Passkeys are created through Windows Hello.
In the modern era of digitization, security has become paramount. As cyber threats become more sophisticated, traditional passwords are increasingly vulnerable. The introduction of passkeys by Microsoft is not just about user convenience but about stepping up security. By utilizing biometrics like face recognition or fingerprints, or a device PIN, the system adds extra layers of security. Each sign-in method is unique to the user, reducing the threat of unauthorized access. The public support for passkeys could revolutionize the way we view and handle digital security.
Microsoft continues moving towards a password-less future with their recent Windows 11 update. This leap in tech development will allow users to log into their accounts using what they are (biometric data) and what they have (device PIN), replacing the traditional knowledge-based password system. The forthcoming Windows 11 update will introduce public support for passkeys, a groundbreaking password-less login technology.
Instead of passwords, the system will employ user face recognition, fingerprint scanning, or a device PIN for sign-in procedures. Unveiled at Microsoft's recent AI and Surface launch event, this upcoming upgrade (to be available from September 26th) endorses users to generate, manage, and store passkeys. Additionally, users can utilize these passkeys to unlock supported websites and services using their device’s native authentication systems.
Microsoft initiated the testing phase for passkey management back in June within the Windows Insider developer channel. Now, this Windows 11 update will bring the technology to the mass market. Importantly, Windows 11 passkeys are created through Windows Hello, bolstering users' security levels while ensuring ease of authenticated access to their devices and other supported platforms.
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