Power BI: Artificial Intelligence Explain Changes [Power Platform Series - Ep. 15]
Power BI
Sep 25, 2022 12:00 AM

Power BI: Artificial Intelligence Explain Changes [Power Platform Series - Ep. 15]

by HubSite 365 about Pragmatic Works

Data AnalyticsPower BIM365 Hot News

In the 15th episode of Matt’s Power Platform series, he heads back into Power BI. Matt showcases two artificial intelligence features located within Power BI, but is often hard to notice to the novice user.

Matt showcases two artificial intelligence features located within Power BI, but is often hard to notice to the novice user. The feature he will showcase is how to analyze your data to see why a specific value in a visual has increased or decreased. Power BI will tap into its AI algorithms and start to apply filters from the dimension tables to see what categories and values had an increased amount from one year to the next. This is a great time saver because without this feature you would have to manually place your filters over the visual to look for distinct changes.

Matt will also showcase how to see if the distribution of the data looks different when different filters from your data model are applied as well.

These two features are super easy to use and can provide many great data insights to your reports.

More about Power BI Key AI Features

Power BI: 5 Key AI Features You Should Start Using

In a time where the average enterprise generates large amounts of data on a daily basis, unless the data paves a path to gleaning valuable insights, on its own, data does not hold much value. This is where Artificial Intelligence helps aid data analysis, exploration, find patterns in the collected information, predict future outcomes and make data more comprehensible for the user.


Introduction to AI Insights in Power BI Desktop

I am sure you have wondered what AI Insights is; and I am also sure you have wondered (especially if you are not familiar with AI) what the vision, text analytics, and Azure ML functions are. If you are not familiar with it, you can find this group in the Home and Add Column tabs, as shown below
