NEW Power Apps Solutions Import/Export Feature
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Power Platform
Dec 14, 2023 5:30 PM

NEW Power Apps Solutions Import/Export Feature

by HubSite 365 about Matthew Devaney [MVP]

Microsoft Biz Apps MVP, Consultant at Hitachi Solutions Canada

Citizen DeveloperPower PlatformM365 Release

New Power Platform Export Features


The new feature for PowerApps Solutions regarding the import and export of environment variable was reported by Matthew Devaney values seems to be a significant update for users. Let's break it down for clarity:

  • Import Prompt for Environment Variable Values: When importing solutions in PowerApps, users will now be prompted to enter values for environment variables. This is a handy feature because it ensures that important settings are correctly configured during the import process, reducing the risk of errors due to misconfiguration.
  • Upcoming Toggle Feature for Exporting Environment Variable Values: An upcoming enhancement to PowerApps will allow users to choose whether environment variable values are included in the export of a solution. This feature adds flexibility and control over what is included in the solution package.
  • Benefits of the New Feature:
    • Current Process Challenges:
      • Currently, before exporting a solution, users must manually remove the existing environment variable values from the source environment. This is necessary to avoid unwanted or sensitive data being included in the exported package.
      • After exporting the solution, there's an additional step to remember: adding the environment variable values back to the source environment. This step is crucial but easy to forget.
    • Advantages of the New Feature:
      • The new toggle feature will streamline this process. Users can decide if they want to include environment variable values in the export. This eliminates the need to manually remove and then remember to re-add these values after export.
      • It reduces the risk of errors and saves time, especially in scenarios where environment variables are frequently updated or sensitive.

â €This update appears to make the process of handling environment variables in PowerApps more efficient and user-friendly, particularly in complex or sensitive environments where the accuracy of settings is paramount.