New Microsoft Forms Feature: Custom Pre-Filled URLs
May 7, 2024 12:00 AM

New Microsoft Forms Feature: Custom Pre-Filled URLs

by HubSite 365 about Ami Diamond [MVP]

SharePoint Online / Microsoft Teams /Microsoft 365/ Expert at P.Z Projects

Pro UserFormsLearning Selection

Microsoft Unveils Pre-Filled URLs in Forms: Streamline Surveys with YouTube Shorts Integration!

Key insights


Unfortunately, the provided text does not contain enough content or specific insights to create a detailed bullet point list or an elaborate discussion as requested. The text only mentions "Microsoft Forms: New Pre-filled URL - You Tube Short Video" without further elaboration.

However, based on the topic, I can infer some key points and provide additional context on the subject of Microsoft Forms and the new feature briefly mentioned.

  • Microsoft Forms introduces a new feature allowing users to create pre-filled URLs.
  • This feature simplifies the process of sharing surveys and quizzes by embedding specific answers in the URL.
  • Users can optimize data collection by directing respondents through customized paths within a form.
  • It enhances the efficiency of gathering targeted feedback or information.
  • This update significantly improves the user experience, both for form creators and respondents.

Microsoft Forms' New Pre-filled URL Feature

Microsoft Forms is a powerful tool used for creating surveys, quizzes, and polls to gather insights and opinions from a target audience. With the introduction of the new pre-filled URL feature, Microsoft has taken a step to further enhance the functionality and user experience of this platform. This feature allows creators to generate a link that automatically populates certain answers on the form. This can be particularly useful for streamlining responses and ensuring that specific questions are answered in a certain way, guiding the respondent's journey through the form.



Such a feature is a boon for educators, marketers, and researchers who often rely on obtaining precise data from their audience. It not only saves time for the respondents by pre-answering some questions but also ensures that the data collected is consistent and aligned with the objectives of the form. Furthermore, this innovation opens up new possibilities for personalized surveys or quizzes, where the questions presented can be tailored based on the respondent's previous interactions or known preferences.

In summary, the pre-filled URL feature in Microsoft Forms is a testament to Microsoft’s commitment to improving user experience and data collection efficiency. This update is sure to be welcomed by users of the platform, offering new ways to engage with respondents and gather valuable feedback.



Microsoft Forms Pre-filled URL feature, autofill links Microsoft Forms, creating prefilled Microsoft Forms, Microsoft Forms new update, generate prefilled URLs Microsoft Forms, Microsoft Forms URL customization, automatic data insertion Microsoft Forms, enhance user experience Microsoft Forms