How to create your first Teams bot and deploy it to Azure
May 4, 2022 10:41 AM

How to create your first Teams bot and deploy it to Azure

by HubSite 365 about Laura Kokkarinen [MVP]

Lead Architect, Software Development | Microsoft MVP | Blogger | Speaker |

Pro UserTeams

How do I build a Teams Bot and deploy them in Azure for my environment? Not an easy task for beginners. Laura shows all the steps in a beginner's video and builds the bot with you.

Things are always easy when you know how to do them, right? Creating a Teams bot is not a complex process, but figuring out all the different things that are required for the first time can seem like a challenging feat to accomplish. If this is the first time you are creating a Teams bot — or if it has been a while since you did it last time and need a reminder — this blog post is for you!