Boost Your Viva Engage Experience with Microsoft Copilot
Microsoft Copilot
Feb 16, 2024 7:38 AM

Boost Your Viva Engage Experience with Microsoft Copilot

by HubSite 365 about Daniel Anderson [MVP]

A Microsoft MVP 𝗁𝖾𝗅𝗉𝗂𝗇𝗀 develop careers, scale and 𝗀𝗋𝗈𝗐 businesses 𝖻𝗒 𝖾𝗆𝗉𝗈𝗐𝖾𝗋𝗂𝗇𝗀 everyone 𝗍𝗈 𝖺𝖼𝗁𝗂𝖾𝗏𝖾 𝗆𝗈𝗋𝖾 𝗐𝗂𝗍𝗁 𝖬𝗂𝖼𝗋𝗈𝗌𝗈𝖿𝗍 𝟥𝟨𝟧

Pro UserMicrosoft CopilotLearning Selection

Discover Enhancements to Viva Engage with Microsoft Copilot: Boost Engagement & Collaboration

Key insights


Microsoft Copilot significantly boosts Viva Engage, Microsoft's employee engagement platform, by providing personalized engagement suggestions, starting conversations, and enhancing content quality. Here are the key insights:

  • Copilot offers personalized recommendations for communities and discussions, encouraging employees to participate more actively.
  • It helps in creating impactful content by suggesting text, prompts, and images, ensuring messages resonate well with the audience.
  • Copilot aims to increase employee engagement, boost leadership communication, and enhance collaboration within organizations.
  • Currently, in public preview, Copilot in Viva Engage is available to a limited audience for feedback, with an official launch expected in 2024.
  • Future plans include more features and integrations with other Viva modules.

By integrating AI with employee engagement efforts, Microsoft Copilot is poised to revolutionize how organizations communicate and collaborate internally. Its ability to personalize engagement and refine content quality makes it a valuable tool for enhancing the overall workplace experience.

Exploring the Impact of AI on Employee Engagement

As businesses strive to improve internal communication and collaboration, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into employee engagement platforms like Microsoft Viva Engage represents a significant step forward. With the introduction of Microsoft Copilot, these platforms are evolving into more interactive and responsive environments. By personalizing recommendations for engagement and helping to produce impactful content, Copilot ensures that every employee's voice is heard and valued.

This tailor-made approach fosters a sense of belonging and purpose among team members, urging them to participate more actively in organizational conversations. Moreover, by refining message tones and improving question quality, AI tools like Copilot allow for clearer, more meaningful communication. This not only enhances the overall workplace experience but also strengthens the bond between employees and their leaders.

As we move forward, the role of AI in employee engagement is expected to grow, further transforming the corporate landscape. With updates and new features on the horizon, platforms powered by AI like Viva Engage will continue to set new standards for how companies foster a collaborative and engaging work environment. The focus on making participation easier and more meaningful for everyone involved promises a brighter future for workplace communication and collaboration, powered by the next generation of AI technologies.


Microsoft's tool is revolutionizing Viva Engage, the company's platform for employee engagement, in innovative ways. It acts as a Guide by offering personalized suggestions on communities and discussions for users to join, inspired by their activities and organizational trends. Additionally, it generates "Conversation Starters" to encourage posting in these communities, providing insights into their purpose and popular topics.

As a Collaborator, this tool helps in crafting impactful content by utilizing AI to propose text, prompts, and images that elevate the posts on Viva Engage. It's capable of analyzing and tweaking the tone of messages to better resonate with the target audience. Moreover, it assists in improving the quality of questions posed within discussions on Viva Engage.

The primary goal of this Microsoft tool is to amplify employee engagement by simplifying and enriching the process of participation in Viva Engage. It aims to support leaders in creating more effective content and in gauging employee sentiment. Enhancing collaboration by fostering communication and the sharing of knowledge within the organization is another significant aim.

Currently, this feature in Viva Engage is in a public preview phase, accessible to a select group for trial and feedback. It's anticipated to officially launch later in 2024, with additional functionalities and integrations with other Viva modules expected in the future. For those interested in exploring more, there are resources available for an overview and setup of this feature in Viva Engage (Yammer), alongside insights into how it, along with Viva, is transforming the employee experience.

As a Guide:

  • Suggests where to engage: Copilot provides personalized recommendations for communities and discussions to participate in, based on your activity and organizational trends.
  • Prompts conversation: It offers "Conversation Starters" to inspire you to post within those communities, giving summaries of the community's purpose and hot topics.

As a Collaborator:

  • Helps write impactful content: Copilot leverages AI to suggest text, prompts, and even images that can improve the quality and engagement of your Viva Engage posts.
  • Refines message tone: It can analyze your writing and recommend adjustments to ensure your message resonates well with your intended audience.
  • Improves question quality: Copilot suggests prompts to help you formulate better questions within Viva Engage discussions.

Overall, Copilot aims to: Increase employee engagement: By making it easier and more meaningful to participate in Viva Engage. Boost leadership communication: By offering tools for leaders to create impactful content and understand employee sentiment. Enhance collaboration: By facilitating communication and knowledge sharing within the organization.

Copilot in Viva Engage is currently in public preview, meaning it's accessible to a limited audience for testing and feedback. The official launch is expected sometime later in 2024. More features and integrations with other Viva modules are planned for the future.



People also ask

What is Microsoft Viva Copilot?

Microsoft Viva's Copilot is a forefront AI technology designed to deliver rapid, accurate, and personalized responses and insights that are specifically tailored to the context of your business. Utilizing the power of advanced artificial intelligence, Microsoft Viva Copilot offers a robust tool for enhancing the speed at which workforce insights are obtained and for boosting the levels of employee engagement.

Does Viva Engage use AI?

Viva Engage functions primarily as a corporate social networking platform, providing a space for employees to connect and share their interests. Integral to Engage is the Copilot AI assistant, which plays a crucial role in offering insights on employees' interests and facilitating engaging, enjoyable communication amongst colleagues.

What are the benefits of Microsoft Viva Connections?

Microsoft Viva Connections is adept at delivering timely updates to the appropriate audience through its advanced targeting and scheduling features. It seamlessly integrates with SharePoint news to generate a customized feed, leveraging post-level targeting tailored to the specific groups an employee is part of.

What makes Microsoft Viva unique?

Distinctively, Microsoft Viva is an all-encompassing digital employee experience platform that consolidates critical functionalities such as communications, knowledge acquisition, learning opportunities, and insights on the workplace. This integration ensures that individuals and teams can access essential tools and resources in their workflow, enabling them to perform at their best.



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