DAX - Percent of Total vs Percent of Grand Total is a calculation that can be used to compare the relative size of a value to the total or to the overall grand total. Percent of Total calculates the value as a percentage of the total of all data points in the column or row. Percent of Grand Total computes the value against the grand total of all data points in the column or row, regardless of any filters that may be applied. Both calculations can be used to analyze and visualize data in a meaningful way.
In this video Mitchell discusses the difference of writing a Percent of Total
calculation in DAX vs. using the default built-in capability that will return
the Percent of Grand Total.
Aug 27, 2016 — I have the data in groups (agegroups) by year (2015 & 2016). I want percentage by agegroup to be based on total / year (e.g. 1462 for 2015) and not by the ...
Jan 26, 2023 — Suppose you need to calculate a percentage of grand total measure. Easy, you can use the Power BI “Show value as” without any DAX, right?
Sep 1, 2020 — I need help calculating the percentage of each category in a column (based on the grand total) in DAX but for one specific category.