Common Teams Meeting Mistakes - Tips For Beginners!
Jun 1, 2023 2:00 PM

Common Teams Meeting Mistakes - Tips For Beginners!

by HubSite 365 about Bulb Digital

Pro UserTeamsLearning Selection

It's never fun when Teams meetings go poorly because of technical difficulties. In this video we'll spell out some basics you can use to make sure you're not th

It's never fun when Teams meetings go poorly because of technical difficulties. In this video we'll spell out some basics you can use to make sure you're not the culprit. We hope this helps you stay calm and collected and not feel like “I’m the problem, it’s me” when meeting issues arise 😊

Common Teams Meeting Mistakes - Tips For Beginners!

  1. Not being prepared: Before hosting a Teams meeting, make sure you have the agenda, any materials needed, and all necessary participants.
  1. Not having a goal: Every meeting should have a purpose. Make sure you have a clear goal in mind before the meeting so you can ensure everyone is on the same page.
  1. Not allowing for collaboration: Teams meetings should be collaborative and should allow for participants to share ideas and provide feedback.
  1. Not utilizing all of Teams’ features: Teams offers a variety of features such as chat, video, file sharing, and more. Make sure you are utilizing all of these features to get the most out of your meeting.
  1. Not allowing for breaks: It’s important to allow for breaks throughout the meeting so participants can take a break and refocus. This will help keep everyone engaged.
  1. Not following up: After the meeting, make sure to follow up with the participants and thank them for their participation. This will help build relationships and foster collaboration.
  2. .

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