The Microsoft Fabric Community Conference 2025 is set to be the ultimate gathering for data, AI, and analytics professionals. From March 31 to April 2, industry leaders and innovators will converge at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas for three days of expert-led sessions, hands-on workshops, and unparalleled networking opportunities.
Workshops on March 29, 30, and April 3 offer a chance to dive deeper into cutting-edge technologies and solutions. Attendees will hear from Microsoft’s top minds, including Arun Ulag, Amir Netz, and Jessica Hawk, who are shaping the future of Azure Data and Microsoft Fabric.
Early bird registrants can unlock exclusive perks, including a hotel gift card. With opportunities to submit session proposals, sponsor, or exhibit, this event is the perfect platform to connect, collaborate, and innovate.
Don’t miss your chance to be part of the conversation driving the future of data and AI. Sign up now to stay informed about event updates and secure your place at this must-attend conference.
PublisherMicrosoft 365
Further TopicsConference
Event TypeMar 31, 2025 11:00 AM
StartApr 2, 2025 11:00 AM
Event Language