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Ahmad Najjar Exclusive Interview: 5 Key Questions - ECS 2023
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ECS 2023 Interviews
Sep 28, 2023 10:45 AM

Ahmad Najjar Exclusive Interview: 5 Key Questions - ECS 2023

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We organize the leading and the largest Microsoft 365 conference in Europe the "European Collaboration Summit" (& "European Cloud Summit").

Citizen DeveloperECS 2023 InterviewsECS 2023 Interviews

Get to know the Power Platform Architect Lead, Ahmad Najjar, in a revealing 5-question interview for the ECS 2023, a must-attend event!

"ECS 2023 Interviews: Special Speaker Ahmad Najjar's Insightful Discussion."
In the open atmosphere of CollabSummit, participants can readily connect and learn from experts globally. An inclusive environment that fosters collaboration and mutual learning—It's a platform where you instantly become part of the community.
Today, we highlight an interactive discourse with the renown Ahmad Najjar, also known as #TheFlowJedi.

His Iconic Moniker #TheFlowJedi

In 2017, Najjar stood amongst the early five MVPs who were recognised for their contributions to Power Automate (Microsoft Flow). Each individual chose a pseudonym aligned with their work. As an ardent Star Wars fan, Najjar picked the moniker #TheFlowJedi.

Passionate Power Platform Architect at Avanade

He describes his role as a solution architect as rewarding, challenging, but ultimately fulfilling. His responsibility is to find the best technical solutions to business problems profoundly impacts an organization's successes, providing him with great satisfaction.
A strong technical background is essential in his role, and he enjoys staying abreast with new technologies evolving in his field.

Early Adoptions and Working with PowerAutomate

Having worked with Business Process Automation prior, Power Automate was not an unfamiliar territory for Najjar. Building, designing, and improving BPA is something he genuinely enjoys. They not only bolster work efficiency and streamlines organizational workflows but also enhances user experiences and fosters innovation opportunities.

Remarkable Experiences from His Collabsummit Presentations

Najjar’s informative session on architecting Power Platform projects is highly anticipated. In the fast-paced expansion of the Power Platform in recent years, such projects have become demanding and daunting.
Najjar’s guides attendees on choosing the most suitable Power Platform service(s), selecting the appropriate data source to best serve their solution and designing, and implementing their integration requirements. His session will help demystify these complexities and empower individuals to make informed decisions.

Intriguing Experiences at CollabSummit

Most notably, Najjar shared his amusing encounter at the 2021 CollabSummit in Dusseldorf. Worries of contracting Covid during the conference and bringing it home seemed ironic when returning home to find his family members had surprisingly contracted the virus, whereas he remained unaffected until three months later.

Click here for more information about ECS 2023 Interview.

Expert’s Opinions on Automation and Technology

In the era of rapid digital transformation, the adoption of Power Automate and similar technologies can lead to enhanced efficiency and productivity.
Through automation, businesses can streamline their operations and improve workflows, leading to improved user experiences and fostering innovation opportunities.
However, architecting such projects requires strong technical expertise and comprehensive understanding of the demands and intricacies within the specific field. Sharing and learning from experts at platforms like CollabSummit can be key in this journey.

Read the full article FIVE Questions with Ahmad Najjar - ECS 2023 Interview Special

ECS 2023 Interviews - Ahmad Najjar Exclusive Interview: 5 Key Questions - ECS 2023

Learn about FIVE Questions with Ahmad Najjar - ECS 2023 Interview Special

The European Collaboration Summit (ECS) 2023 will present a special session with renown speaker Ahmad Najjar, also known as #TheFlowJedi. Throughout the event, participants will experience cutting-edge presentations delivered by industry experts, intriguing dialogues and engaging learning opportunities all in a lively atmosphere. Everyone present, upon arrival, becomes immediately part of a larger global community, aiming to enhance their knowledge and collaborate on diverse aspects of the tech industry.

One of the intriguing aspects surrounding Mr. Najjar is his moniker, #TheFlowJedi. The backstory involves his early involvement with Power Automate (then Microsoft Flow) back in 2017. He was bestowed with the Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) recognition and, being an ardent Star Wars fan, he chose the pseudonym #TheFlowJedi.

In his professional capacity, Mr. Najjar serves as a Power Platform Architect Lead at Avanade, a role that fuels his passion for the tech industry. Devising effective technical solutions to address business problems is a challenging yet rewarding task that leaves him with a sense of accomplishment after every project. He appreciates the need for a firm technical groundwork required for a solution architect, and consistently keeps updated about tech advancements and trends.

A pioneer in the adoption of PowerAutomate, Mr. Najjar had prior experience working with Business Process Automation tools. His affinity for constructing, designing, and enhancing Business Process Automation allows him to bolster work proficiency, streamline organizational operations, enrich user interface, and foster innovation.

On being inquired about his upcoming presentatations at the ECS 2023, Mr. Najjar shared that participants can anticipate gaining insights about architecting Power Platform projects. This skill is becoming increasingly essential considering the swift and vast development of the Power Platform in recent years. Attendees can expect to gain knowledge about selecting the most suitable Power Platform service, determining the appropriate data source, and learning effective design and implementation strategies for integration requirements.

Recounting amusing events from his past experiences at collabsummit, Mr. Najjar shared an ironic circumstance from 2021 in the wake of the Covid pandemic, which adds a light-hearted slant to his narrative. While he was wary about contracting Covid at the summit in Dusseldorf and unintentionally infecting his family upon return, he discovered his wife and children had already caught the virus in his absence. Interestingly, he did not contract it until three months after this episode, to his surprise!

In summation, the forthcoming ECS 2023 edition promises a blend of learning, networking, and amusement, as demonstrated through Mr. Najjar's experiences at the annual event.

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Ahmad Najjar interview, ECS 2023, Ahmad Najjar ECS 2023, Interview Special Ahmad Najjar, ECS 2023 Interview, Ahmad Najjar Questions, FIVE Questions Interview, ECS 2023 Ahmad Najjar, Ahmad Najjar 2023, ECS Interview Special