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Microsoft 365 Feed - First impresssions
Microsoft 365
Feb 5, 2023 11:30 PM

Microsoft 365 Feed - First impresssions

by HubSite 365 about Darrell Webster Modern Work Mentor

Modern Work Mentor, Change Consultant, Content Creator, Community Conduit.

Pro UserMicrosoft 365M365 Hot News

This video didn't start as a deep-dive first impression of Microsoft 365. But the more I explored it, the more I wanted to discuss it.

This video didn't start as a deep-dive first impression of Microsoft 365. But

the more I explored it, the more I wanted to discuss it. The good. The bad. The areas for improvement.

  • 0:00 The feed you start your day in?
  • 1:15 Overview of the feed
  • 1:58 Content in the feed
  • 4:13 Favourite a feed item
  • 4:29 Following people and Yammer / Engage
  • 6:08 Storylines in the feed
  • 8:18 Bringing feeds together
  • 9:39 Your activity and profile page
  • 10:33 Teams files and meetings in the feed
  • 12:04 The new Delve?
  • 13:25 Your favourites
  • 14:54 Connections and suggested connections
  • 18:14 What if you don't use Yammer / Engage?
  • 19:41 Permissions to display content
  • 20:49 My network
  • 21:54 M365 Feed on mobile
  • 25:52 Would you start your day in this feed?
  • 29:44 Summary

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