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Useful Shortcuts in Windows File Explorer (Windows 11) #shorts
Apr 14, 2023 10:00 AM

Useful Shortcuts in Windows File Explorer (Windows 11) #shorts

by HubSite 365 about Leila Gharani [MVP]

Pro UserWindowsM365 Hot News

Windows File Explorer in Windows 11 comes with a wide range of useful

Windows File Explorer in Windows 11 comes with a wide range of useful shortcuts to help you quickly navigate and make changes to your files and folders. Here are some of the most useful shortcuts:

  • Ctrl + N - Open a new File Explorer window
  • Alt + D - Select the address bar
  • Ctrl + E - Select the search box
  • F11 - Toggle full-screen mode
  • Alt + Left arrow - Go back one folder level
  • Alt + Right arrow - Go forward one folder level
  • Ctrl + Shift + N - Create a new folder
  • Ctrl + W - Close the current File Explorer window
  • Ctrl + F - Find a file or folder
  • Ctrl + Mouse wheel - Change the size of the File Explorer window
  • Ctrl + Shift + E - Expand all folders in the current File Explorer window
  • Ctrl + Shift + C - Copy the path of the current folder to the Clipboard.