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Create a OneNote TOC - A Step-by-Step Guide
Feb 7, 2024 3:00 PM

Create a OneNote TOC - A Step-by-Step Guide

by HubSite 365 about Andy Park

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Create a OneNote TOC with Onetastic: Organize Notes for Better Collaboration & Efficiency

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Discover How to Enhance Your Microsoft OneNote Experience with a Table of Contents

Learn the benefits of creating a Table of Contents (TOC) in Microsoft OneNote. A TOC improves organization, navigation, and collaboration by providing a clearer view of note relationships, saving time through efficient navigation, and bolstering teamwork. Explore both manual and automatic methods with Onetastic to find the optimal approach for your workflow.

  • Understanding the Basics: Microsoft OneNote lacks a built-in feature for automatically generating a TOC like Microsoft Word. However, users can either manually create a TOC or use add-ins to facilitate this process.
  • Manual Creation Tips:
    • Start by creating a specific page for your TOC, listing all headings and subheadings along with page numbers.
    • Employ clear and concise headings for easy identification and listing in your TOC.
    • Link each heading to its respective page in the notebook and regularly update your TOC to reflect new content.
  • Automating with Add-ins: Utilize add-ins like Table of Contents by Gem, OneNote TOC, and Easy TOC for automatic TOC generation. These tools offer features ranging from basic TOC creation to customizing appearances and creating nested TOCs.
  • Pro Tips for TOC Creation: Keep a consistent heading style and consider using a numbering system for better organization and easier navigation. Remember to update your TOC regularly to include newly added content for accuracy.

Maximizing Productivity and Efficiency in OneNote

Creating a Table of Contents in Microsoft OneNote, whether manually or using add-ins like Onetastic, significantly enhances the user experience. It streamlines navigation, simplifies content management, and facilitates collaborative efforts. By providing a structured overview of notes, a TOC enables users to quickly locate information, thus saving time and boosting productivity. Regular updates and a consistent heading style are key to maintaining an effective TOC. Whether for personal use, education, or professional collaboration, mastering TOC creation in OneNote unlocks its full potential as an organizational and note-taking tool.

Expanding on OneNote's Table of Contents Feature

OneNote's capability to organize notes efficiently plays a pivotal role in enhancing user productivity and collaboration efforts. While OneNote does not inherently offer an automatic Table of Contents feature, the workarounds available, including manual creation and specialized add-ins, ensure that users can still enjoy the benefits of a well-organized notebook.


Creating a TOC allows for easy navigation through extensive notes, quick location of information, and structured note-taking. Additionally, the use of add-ins like Onetastic adds a layer of customization and automation, simplifying the process. The importance of a TOC in OneNote cannot be overstated, as it transforms the note-taking application into a more powerful and user-friendly tool, catering to a wide range of needs including academic, personal, and professional. By utilizing the strategies outlined for creating and maintaining a TOC, OneNote users can take their organizational skills to the next level, ensuring that important information is always at their fingertips.



In this video, Andy Park guides viewers on how to neatly organize their notes in Microsoft OneNote by creating a Table of Contents (TOC). With a focus on better organization, navigation, and team collaboration, Park emphasizes the significant advantages of using a TOC. These advantages include a clearer understanding of note relationships, time efficiency in navigation, and improved teamwork capabilities.

The presentation covers both manual and automatic methods for TOC creation, incorporating the use of Onetastic. This versatility allows users to select the method that best fits their workflow. Despite OneNote not having an innate feature for automatic TOC generation like Microsoft Word, Park details viable approaches to create one, both manually and with external add-ins.

For the manual approach, Park recommends creating a dedicated TOC page to list all headings and subheadings along with page numbers. He advises using distinct and straightforward headings to facilitate easy identification. Additionally, creating direct links to each noted heading enhances the manual TOC's functionality. Regular updates to the TOC ensure it remains current with the notebook’s content.

The tutorial also introduces viewers to various add-ins available for OneNote TOC creation. 'Table of Contents by Gem', 'OneNote TOC', and 'Easy TOC' are highlighted as popular tools, each offering unique features. These add-ins simplify the TOC creation process, making it accessible even to those who prefer not diving into manual methods.


Manual method:

  • Create a dedicated page for your TOC. This will be the page where you'll list all the headings and subheadings in your notebook along with their corresponding page numbers.
  • Use clear and concise headings. This will make it easier for you to identify and list them in your TOC.
  • Create links to each heading. Once you've listed all the headings, create links to their corresponding pages in your notebook. You can do this by right-clicking the heading text and selecting "Link to Page."
  • Update your TOC regularly. As you add more content to your notebook, be sure to update your TOC accordingly.

Add-in method:

  • Table of Contents by Gem: This add-in automatically generates a TOC based on the headings in your notebook. It also allows you to customize the look and feel of your TOC.
  • OneNote TOC: This add-in is similar to Table of Contents by Gem, but it also includes some additional features, such as the ability to create nested TOCs.
  • Easy TOC: This add-in is a simple and easy-to-use option for creating a TOC. It doesn't have as many features as the other add-ins, but it's a good choice if you just need a basic TOC.

Use a consistent heading style throughout your notebook. This will make it easier for you to identify and list the headings in your TOC. Consider using a numbering system for your headings. This can help you to organize your notebook more effectively and make it easier to navigate. Update your TOC regularly. As you add more content to your notebook, be sure to update your TOC accordingly.

OneNote - Create a OneNote TOC with Onetastic: A Step-by-Step Guide


People also ask

Can you create a table of contents in OneNote?

In OneNote, a table of contents can be crafted by generating links to different pages, sections, notebooks, and paragraphs. Select a specific page within OneNote to serve as your table of contents and position the links accordingly. For instance, by right-clicking on a page and selecting "Copy Link to Page", you can efficiently create these navigational shortcuts.

Does Onetastic work with OneNote 10?

OneNote for Windows 10, along with its Mac, iOS, or Android versions, does not facilitate the integration of third-party add-ins. Consequently, Onetastic is incompatible with these versions of OneNote.

Can you use macros in OneNote?

In OneNote, macros serve as compact programs designed to automate simple, repetitive tasks swiftly. Although OneNote's architecture does not incorporate VBA, which is common in other Office tools for macro utility, the Onetastic add-in offers a bespoke macro language along with an editor, allowing users to create and employ macros.

How do I create an index in OneNote?

To initiate an index in OneNote, start by typing two opening square brackets. Following this, enter the desired title for the page. Upon typing two closing square brackets, OneNote automatically recognizes this action as a command to create a link for the page title, without the necessity to press Enter.



OneNote Table of Contents, Onetastic TOC, Create TOC in OneNote, OneNote Onetastic Features, OneNote TOC Tutorial, Enhance OneNote with Onetastic, Onetastic Table of Contents, Organizing OneNote with TOC, OneNote TOC Plugin, Efficient OneNote Note-Taking