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What is Microsoft Teams Premium and Who Needs it?
Sep 25, 2023 8:26 PM

What is Microsoft Teams Premium and Who Needs it?

by HubSite 365 about Sara Fennah (The Teams Queen Blog)

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Unlock advanced features with Microsoft Teams Premium! Ideal for businesses organizing sensitive virtual events.

Microsoft Teams Premium: A Comprehensive Review

In her blog post, author Sara Fennah explores the detailed features and benefits of Microsoft Teams Premium, an augmentative tool to Microsoft 365.

The Teams upgrade primarily caters to businesses seeking to optimize their virtual and hybrid events or confidential meetings. She recognizes this resource as something which is beneficial to her as a trainer, suggesting how it might be ideally suited for professionals in a similar field.

The functionalities of this advanced Teams subscription are classified into five sections:

  • Meeting Customisation
  • Meeting Protection
  • Meeting AI Features
  • Webinars
  • Virtual Appointments

Meeting Customisation allows entities to personalize their meetings with unique branding, including a branded lobby, custom backgrounds, distinct together mode scenes, tailored meeting templates, meeting themes, and the creation of custom policy packages.

Conversely, Meeting Protection offers features to protect sensitive shared information. It assists in adding a watermark to videos and shared content using the attendee's email, creating an identifier in case of screenshots or video capture. It also restricts certain meeting features like limiting bypassing the lobby, controlling some recordings and preventing the copy & paste from chat.

Meeting AI Features, albeit not available at the launch of her review, will include functionalities such as automatically generated time markers in meeting recordings for joining/leaving or being mentioned, and the much-anticipated auto-generated tasks.

Webinars will see additional features, with advanced tools enabling restrictions on registrations, presenter-only green rooms, presenter visibility control, wait-listing for webinars at capacity, registration approvals, and reminder emails.

Virtual Appointments aim at businesses scheduling client appointments via this premium Teams version. These will feature SMS notifications, analytics, scheduled queue views, customized waiting rooms, pre and post-appointment chats, and follow-ups.

Some features are accessible only to the meeting organizer, while others are user-specific. The author mentions that these details are expected to be confirmed as the preview phase concludes. Requirements for using some features, such as Sensitivity Labels, also mandate a Microsoft 365 E5 license.

Wrapping Up

Microsoft Teams Premium is a robust digital tool designed for businesses seeking to optimize their virtual or sensitive meetings effectively. Its diverse features cater to a variety of meeting aspects, including customization, protection, AI integration, webinars, and virtual appointments, offering a well-rounded, advanced solution for modern meeting requirements.


Read the full article What is Microsoft Teams Premium and Who Needs it?

Teams Premium - Microsoft Teams Premium: Features, Benefits & Target Users

What is Microsoft Teams Premium and Who Needs it?

Microsoft Teams Premium, the supplementary feature for Microsoft 365, renders a multitude of benefits for myriad professional circumstances. From administering virtual and hybrid events to managing delicate meetings, it proves to be enormously beneficial, particularly for organisers.

The functionalities of this enhanced offering fall into five comprehensive categories: Meeting Customisation, Meeting Protection, Meeting AI Features, Webinars, and Virtual Appointments.

  • Meeting Customisation allows corporate branding implications on meetings, thereby enabling a personalised environment.

  • Meeting Protection ensures the safeguarding of shared information, providing attendees with watermarks on videos and shared content.

  • Meeting AI integrates chapters in meeting recordings automatically, chalks down time markers, and generates tasks, to name a few of its yet-to-be-released features.

  • Webinars facilitate seamless event management with host-only green rooms and personalised presenter control.

  • Virtual Appointments aim to ease customer appointments with features like SMS notifications, customised waiting room, and post-appointment follow-ups.

Interestingly, some features of this enhanced version are licensed by the meeting organiser and others are per user. Certain privileges such as adding watermarks and preventing recording can only be enacted if the user is licensed for this advanced solution.

Furthermore, the usage of Sensitivity Labels for meetings necessitates a Microsoft 365 E5 license for creators of meetings. For more information, you may explore the licensing comparison between the base offering and its premium counterpart in the links provided.

The writer is a freelance learning professional with extensive experience in this field, holding multiple Microsoft certifications.

Delve into more about Teams Premium from his other articles referenced in his blog.



Microsoft Teams Premium, What is Microsoft Teams, Microsoft Teams Features, Microsoft Teams Premium Benefits, Teams Premium Subscription, Microsoft Teams Pricing, Upgrade Microsoft Teams, Microsoft Teams vs Premium, Professional Microsoft Teams, Who Needs Microsoft Teams Premium.