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General Availability of Custom .NET Code for Logic Apps
Developer Tools
Oct 24, 2023 4:00 PM

General Availability of Custom .NET Code for Logic Apps

by HubSite 365 about Kent Weare

Principal Product Manager - Azure Logic Apps

Citizen DeveloperDeveloper ToolsLearning Selection

Master Azure Logic Apps Standard using .NET Framework custom code - Achieve advanced integration solutions with Visual Studio Code.

In our exploration of the latest technological innovations, we delve into Kent Weare's video on .NET Framework's Custom Code for Logic Apps. This surefire topic focuses on the diverse aspects of integrating custom code into logic applications via .NET Framework.

For those interested in advancing their digital strategies, this resourceful content unlocks the hidden horizons of innovative app development approaches. This YouTube video, made available for general public consumption, puts forward practical, implementable tips for seamless app development journeys.

The tutorial details the impressive nuances of the .NET Framework, an avant-garde platform remarkably admired by professional developers. The video stresses the importance of amalgamating custom code into logic apps, highlighting its fruitful alignment with .NET Framework.

Notably, it is made clear that the understanding of these complex topics is paramount for developers aspiring to ride the crest of the digital wave. By mastering these application development tools, one can capitalise on the immense potential they pack. Thus, applicability is intrinsically tied to an individual's efforts to grasp these foundational underpinnings.

.NET Framework is essentially a platform

Branching into the broader view, .NET Framework is essentially a platform that allows developers to create wide-ranging applications. It is a model that accommodates different programming languages, making an application's development cycle smoother. Integrating custom code into logic apps, on the other hand, provides flexibility for developers to imbibe functionalities that align with unique business goals.

The effectiveness of these tools hinges on the developer's aptitude to exploit their potential to yield the highest return. Therefore, it is crucial to gain an in-depth understanding of these programming tools. Their mastery necessitates a dedicated effort to comprehend their functioning and reconcile with the challenges they pose.

Overall, Kent Weare's YouTube video on enabling the .NET Framework's Custom Code for Logic Apps successfully opens a gateway to more powerful, nuanced development strategies. It hints at the vista of opportunities these hi-tech tools can unlock in our immutable journey towards a digitally-dominated landscape.

Learn about .NET Framework Custom Code for Logic Apps - General Availability

Looking at the YouTube video titled ".NET Framework Custom Code for Logic Apps - General Availability", you will get a comprehensive understanding of the General Availability of the .NET custom code for Azure Logic Apps (Standard).

It provides a deep understanding of the opportunity to write your own code by creating functions and debug code locally in Visual Studio Code. In addition, no additional service plans are necessary as you can deploy your code alongside your workflows.

Moving forward, you get acquainted with the steps to create and run .NET Framework code from Standard workflows in Azure Logic Apps. If you want to learn how to work with Azure Logic Apps (Standard) extension, the video provides a step-by-step guide on how to use this extension.

Here, you learn how to author and run .NET Framework code from your Standard logic app workflow. The extension offers capabilities and advantages such as the ability to write your own code to solve complex integration problems, and debugging code locally in Visual Studio Code. It's worth mentioning that Visual Studio Code comes equipped with Developer Tools.

  • Into Azure Logic Apps Standard.
  • How to author and run .NET Framework code with Standard workflows.
  • Setting up an integration solution.

You’re also introduced to many more exciting and useful topics such as custom business logic implementation, data validation, and transformations. This includes message shaping for outbound messages to another system, such as an API and conducting calculations. This information is useful if you are dealing with complex scenarios.

You will also learn about the prerequisites to get started and the current limitations of the custom functions capability within Visual Studio Code. Specifically, the video demonstrates how to use Visual Studio Code on a Windows operating system, and it supports calling only .NET Framework 4.7.2 assemblies. You'll also need to create a local folder for your code project.

One of the key takeaways includes creating a code project with the Azure Logic Apps (Standard) extension for Visual Studio Code. This makes it possible for even a beginner to confidently write, debug, and deploy their own code with your workflows. This feature would be highly applicable if you're planning to develop a new app in the near future.

Finally, the video also introduces you to the debugging of both code and workflow. There’s a guide that shows you how to manually run the Request trigger in your workflow, and examples of debugging actions. Upon completion of the workflow, you’re shown how to deploy the custom functions in the same way you deploy your logic app project. Finally, common troubleshooting measures are discussed, helping you understand how to overcome potential issues.

All of these examples nicely illustrate the depth and breadth of this YouTube video. For future learning, you may want to engage in some free Microsoft tutorials or parts of the Microsoft learning path. Other resources include LinkedIn learning, Udemy, and StackSkills which have many relevant courses led by industry professionals.

  • Microsoft Learning: Learn module on Azure Logic Apps.
  • StackSkills: Master Azure Logic Apps.
  • LinkedIn Learning: "Learning Azure Logic Apps" course.
  • Udemy: Azure: Understanding Azure Logic Apps course.

By utilizing these resources, your knowledge on the subject will be greatly enriched, giving you the confidence to implement .NET Framework Custom Code for Logic Apps successfully. Always remember to check online communities, blogs, and discussion forums for tips, insights, and information on updates.



.NET Framework, Custom Code, Logic Apps, General Availability, Microsoft Logic Apps, Logic App Extensions, Cloud Computing, Application Development, App Integration, .NET Custom Coding