Working with Microsoft 365 and Azure AD licenses and understanding them can be quite the task for many system administrators. Did you know that the official Microsoft Learn article lists more than 3230 different SKU IDs and names as of June 1st 2023? The problem is that Graph or PowerShell Modules never return a product name that actually means something to an admin. The names you'll see there are not the same ones we're used to from the Azure or M365 Admin Portals.
Let's take a look at what the subscribedSkus Graph Endpoint returns. This is how we get a list of all SKUs a tenant is subscribed to:
$licenseSkus = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Headers $Header
Understanding Microsoft 365 and Azure AD licenses is crucial for efficient system administration. With more than 3230 unique SKU IDs and names listed, it's essential to familiarize oneself with the terms found in the Azure or M365 Admin portals. As Graph or PowerShell Modules don't offer user-friendly product names, utilizing the SubscribedSkus Graph Endpoint to access a list of a tenant's SKUs can be helpful. The more knowledge you have about these licenses, the better equipped you'll be to handle the complexities of managing a Microsoft 365 environment.
When working with Microsoft 365 and Azure AD licenses, understanding them can be a difficult task for system administrators. Microsoft Learn has an article which lists over 3230 different SKU IDs and names. The names you'll see in Graph or PowerShell Modules are not the same as those seen in the Azure or M365 Admin Portals. To obtain a list of all SKUs a tenant is subscribed to, the subscribedSkus Graph Endpoint can be used. With the Invoke-RestMethod, the list can be returned.
Another way to understand the SKUs is to translate the license GUIDs to product names in PowerShell. This is important, as it will allow administrators to easily see the product names in their tenant. To do this, the Get-MsolAccountSku command can be used. This command requires the SKU ID as an argument, which can then be used to return the product name.
Not all SKUs are available in all tenants, so it is important to check if the SKU is present before using the Get-MsolAccountSku command. This can be done with the Get-MsolAccountSku command, which will return the SKU ID and product name if it is available. If not, an error will be returned.
By understanding Microsoft 365 licenses and how to translate license GUIDs to product names in PowerShell, system administrators can easily see the product names in their tenant. This will make it easier to manage the licenses in the tenant and understand what is available.
Microsoft 365 license GUIDs, Microsoft 365 product names, PowerShell licenses, PowerShell license GUIDs, Azure AD licenses, Azure AD license GUIDs