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Integrating Power BI Tiles into a Canvas Power App
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Power BI
Oct 20, 2022 8:55 AM

Integrating Power BI Tiles into a Canvas Power App

by HubSite 365 about Rishona Elijah [MVP]

Microsoft MVP | MCT | Power Platform Evangelist | LinkedIn Learning Instructor

Data AnalyticsPower BIPower BIM365 Hot News

Enhance your canvas app with Power BI tile component; learn how to embed, make interactive & control user access.

Summarizing Power BI Tiles Embedding in Canvas Apps

The blog post by Rishona Elijah dives into the process of embedding business intelligence (BI) content via 'Power BI tiles' in a canvas app of Power Apps. This control feature permits dynamic data reflection within custom applications for an enhanced user visualization.

To use this feature, ensure the BI content tile is a dashboard component in the Power BI Service. Only upon providing user access to the corresponding Power BI workspace/dashboard, can the users perceive the tile within the Power App.

Begin this process by selecting your desired dashboard in the Power BI Service. If intending to include specific tiles to your Power App, make sure they have both a Title and Subtitle, else, it won't be selectable while adding to your app. You can easily add a title and subtitle by selecting the tile and clicking on 'Edit details'.

To confirm user access, thoroughly verify the workspace access settings and add required users, if necessary. Now, proceed to Power Apps and pick your canvas app. Here, on clicking '+Insert' and searching for Data Visualization Tiles, select the mentioned tile component to include it in your application.

Upon adding the tile, a menu will appear to grant the necessary Workspace, Dashboard, and Tile. If you wish to revisit the options, simply click on 'Data hyperlink' positioned in the properties pane whilst the Data Visualization tile is chosen.

Lastly, the embedded Data Visualization tile should appear in your application. The default 'Display mode' setting is set to 'Edit', which activates the Power BI Service in a new tab on clicking the tile. You can alter this by switching the 'Display mode' setting to 'View'.

Click here for an enhanced understanding of Power BI.

Role of Power BI and Power Apps for Organisational Productivity

With the rapid evolvement of data analytics, visual representation of information has become crucial for data comprehension and subsequent decision-making. This is where the role of Power BI becomes substantial, as it provides real-time interactive visuals, freeing users from the tedious task of interpreting raw data. However, well-informed decisions also require data to be incorporated into daily workflows, which is what Power Apps makes possible.

Power Apps aids in creating custom apps with little or no code, enabling organisations to streamline their everyday business processes and tasks. In combination, Power BI and Power Apps serve as a powerful tool to not only visualize information but also integrate it into the business's daily operations, resulting in improved productivity and success.

Read the full article Add Power BI tiles in a Power App (canvas app)

Power BI - Integrating Power BI Tiles into a Canvas Power App

Learn about Add Power BI tiles in a Power App (canvas app)

Understanding how to integrate Power BI elements into a Power App can be a game changer. This capability allows users to consume reports and analytics seamlessly within your applications. For those wishing to learn how to apply this feature, courses on Microsoft Power Apps and Power BI Service can prove invaluable.

In these training courses, you'll discover how to use the Power BI tile feature that permits you the incorporation of data visualization components within your app. The importance of ensuring that the dashboard tile is from a Power BI workspace the user can access is crucial. Without it, the visibility of the BI content could be hindered within your Power App.

The learning extends to understanding the configurations needed to make the Power BI content evident in your app properly. For example, you'll study how the tiles should have both a title and subtitle to the selected tile when incorporated into your application. Should the user forget to do this, they won't be able to choose the tile for addition to the app.

Another useful bit of knowledge would be to ensure workspace access settings are correctly configured. Checking that the necessary users have permission to the workspace is vital. If not accessible, they can be added to the workspace from the settings.

Once the configurations surrounding Power BI integration to Power Apps are properly set, you can then select the Power BI visual component and add it to your app. Selecting them requires you to know the appropriate workspace, dashboard, and tile. But, if one forgets these options, simply click on the 'Data' hyperlink in the properties pane while the Power BI visual component is selected.

Ultimately, the Power BI content should be successfully embedded in your app. There is a caveat that the default display mode is set to 'Edit', which, upon clicking the tile, will launch Power BI Service in a new tab. However, this can be avoided by changing the display mode setting to 'View'.

Beyond these points, you may want to explore the functionality of Power BI and Power Apps in more depth. Consider enrolling in further courses or webinars on the Power Platform to gain a more comprehensive understanding. Community forums and troubleshooting guides are also valuable resources. Remember, mastering a tool like the Power Platform is a journey. Don't be afraid to leverage all resources at your disposal.

Note, all the knowledge imparted here does not come from me directly but from the expertise of Ms. Rishona Elijah. As a Microsoft MVP and Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT), she serves as an evangelist in the field.

More links on about Add Power BI tiles in a Power App (canvas app)

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PowerApp Canvas, Power BI Integration, PowerApp BI tiles, Add Power BI, PowerApp BI Canvas, Power BI in PowerApps, PowerApp Power BI tiles, Canvas app BI integration, Power BI Canvas app, Configure Power BI in PowerApp