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Power Query Challenge - Creating a Merge Duplicates Alert
Power BI
Sep 16, 2022 12:00 AM

Power Query Challenge - Creating a Merge Duplicates Alert

by HubSite 365 about Wyn Hopkins [MVP]

Microsoft MVP | Author | Speaker | Power BI & Excel Developer & Instructor | Power Query & XLOOKUP | Purpose: Making life easier for people & improving the quality of information for decision makers

Data AnalyticsPower BI

I showed a risk that duplicates in your merged "lookup / dimension" table can result in doubling your data by Access Analytic

XLOOKUP v Power Query v Power Pivot in Excel

When combining tables in Excel there are several options.

Here I show you XLOOKUP, Power Query Merge and a Power Pivot relationship.

A twist to turn Keep Duplicates into Keep Unique in #PowerQuery

In Power Query Editor, there is a button of “Keep Duplicates” in the ribbon. It’s located under Keep Rows in the section of Reduce Rows in the Home tab of the ribbon.