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Dataverse Column Level Security - The quick and dirty!
Microsoft Dataverse
Oct 30, 2022 7:00 AM

Dataverse Column Level Security - The quick and dirty!

by HubSite 365 about Audrie Gordon

Citizen DeveloperMicrosoft DataverseM365 Hot News

Shows how to set up column (or field) level security in Dataverse.

Learn how to set-up column- or even field-level security in Microsoft Dataverse. Watch the video above.

Security concepts in Microsoft Dataverse

One of the key features of Dataverse is its rich security model that can adapt to many business usage scenarios. This security model is only in play when there is a Dataverse database in the environment.

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What is Microsoft Dataverse?

Dataverse lets you securely store and manage data that’s used by business applications. Data within Dataverse is stored within a set of tables. A table is a set of rows (formerly referred to as records) and columns (formerly referred to as fields/attributes).

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