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Patch Complex SharePoint Columns with Power Apps
Power Apps
Feb 7, 2023 1:30 PM

Patch Complex SharePoint Columns with Power Apps

by HubSite 365 about Shane Young [MVP]

SharePoint & PowerApps MVP - SharePoint, O365, Flow, Power Apps consulting & Training

Citizen DeveloperPower AppsPower SelectionM365 Hot News

In this video, you will learn how to patch complex SharePoint columns with Power Apps Like Choice, Person, LookUp, Managed Metadata

In this video, you will learn how to patch complex SharePoint columns with Power Apps. With this comprehensive guide, you will be able to handle different types of columns in SharePoint such as Choice, People, Lookup, Images, and more. From overviewing the SharePoint list and the column types to patching static and dynamic values, this video covers it all.

The video is broken down into chapters to make it easy to follow along:

  • 0:00 - Introduction to patching complex SharePoint columns with Power Apps
  • 1:22 - Overview of the SharePoint list and the column types
  • 2:24 - Patching Title, Text, DateTime, Number, and Currency columns
  • 3:14 - Patching a Choice column with a dropdown
  • 4:54 - Patching a Multi Select Choice column with a Combo Box
  • 6:50 - Patching a Lookup column with a dropdown
  • 8:52 - Patching a Person or Group column with a searchable combo box
  • 10:58 - Patching a Managed Metadata column with a dropdown
  • 12:10 - Patching a Yes No column with a toggle
  • 12:53 - Patching a Hyperlink column
  • 14:00 - Patching an Image column with the Add Picture control
  • 16:07 - Overview of patching static values
  • 16:56 - Patching static Title, Text, DateTime, Number, and Currency columns
  • 17:39 - Patching a Choice column with a static record
  • 18:27 - Patching a Multi Choice column with a static table
  • 19:20 - Patching a Lookup column with a static record or table
  • 21:00 - Patching a Person or Group column with a static record or table
  • 24:00 - Patching an Image column with a static image
  • 25:11 - Patching a Managed Metadata column
  • 25:49 - Patching a Yes No column with a boolean value
  • 26:05 - Patching a Hyperlink column