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WINDOW Function in ACTION I Examples in Power BI
Power BI
Jan 21, 2023 2:00 PM

WINDOW Function in ACTION I Examples in Power BI

by HubSite 365 about How to Power BI

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In this video I put the new window function in action. I show case step by step how the function works with two very useful examples

In this video I put the new window function in action. I show case step by step how the function works with two very useful examples: 1) to create reference lines for subsections in a visual and 2) to create a moving average where the number of periods can be determined by the end user.

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About Windows Functions

Window functions are a powerful tool for data analysis, and can be used to create complex calculations in Power BI. A window function is a built-in aggregate that works with an OVER clause to calculate values across multiple rows of a partition or result set. This allows you to perform calculations on the current row relative to other rows within the same partition.

Examples of Window Functions in Power BI include:

  1. RankX: RankX returns the rank (ordinal position) of each item based upon its value compared with the values of other items within the same group. It takes two parameters - The expression that will be used to rank, and an optional "Order By" expression which defines how ranking should take place.
  2. PercentileX: Calculates one or more percentiles over a set of values in a table column using either linear interpolation between closest ranks or nearest rank methodologies.
  3. RunningTotalYTD: Returns running total year-to-date sum from start until current row context along given expression evaluated by calendar year boundaries defined by date columns provided as parameters.x

Dec 15, 2022 — The advent of window functions in DAX opens a floodgate of opportunities for Power BI users to solve complex, even previously intractable, ...

Nov 30, 2022 — WINDOW DAX Function (Filter) ... Retrieves a range of rows within the specified partition, sorted by the specified order or on the axis specified.

Jul 23, 2020 — 1. Sum · 2. Row Number · 3. Dense Rank · 4. Lag · 5. Max.

Dec 12, 2022 — Indexing is 1-based. For example, 1 means window starts from the beginning of the partition. If is negative, then it's the position of ...

Questions and Answers about PowerBI

The Top 5 Most Popular Window Functions and How to Use Them. Sum. One of the most common use cases for the SUM window function is calculating a running sum. ... Row Number. Ah, row number. ... Dense Rank. ... Lag. ... Max.

Window functions are permitted only in the select list and ORDER BY clause. Query result rows are determined from the FROM clause, after WHERE , GROUP BY , and HAVING processing, and windowing execution occurs before ORDER BY , LIMIT , and SELECT DISTINCT .