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Limiting Environment Creation in Power Platform Governance 02
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Oct 19, 2022 8:05 PM

Limiting Environment Creation in Power Platform Governance 02

by HubSite 365 about Michael Roth [MVP]

Microsoft MVP Business Applications | Power Platform Consultant | Governance & Adoption | reigning minigolf champion

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Manage your Power Platform with ease: control environment creation, understand capacity allocations, and utilize Microsoft Power Apps Administration PowerShell.

Pivotal Governance in Power Apps

The blog post written by Michael Roth discusses the importance and ways in managing the creation of new environments within the usage of Power Platform. It highlights the necessity of restricting environment creation to specific admin roles given its potential impact on the tenant’s database capacity and performance.

The default settings provide Dataverse license holders with uninhibited access to develop new production, sandbox, and trial environments. Roth contends that such privilege is not essentially a tool that they should have access to, as creating an abundant and untamed number of environments within databases can notoriously drain the occupancy capacity and performance level for the whole tenant.

Stressing that environment management is an undertaking for the admin team specializing in low-code strategies, he advocates for either continuing with the existing setting that facilitates free environment creation by all authorized roles or restricting it solely to specific administrators. The blog post also uncovered that these specialized administrators comprise the Global Admins and Dynamics 365 Admins.

Contemplation concerning security and consideration on creating an approval process is highly recommended. Such a system would allow the admin team to have oversight over the separate creations of new environments by individual users. Roth likewise pointed to the helpfulness of the Center of Excellence toolkit that would detect each new environment set up by the individual user.

Among other key highlights include, firstly, the attention that must be given to newly created environments with databases since a sufficient 1GB of capacity should be present. Secondly, unlike the ideal rule about free distribution of capacity to all environment admins, Roth contends that limiting this service to managers is highly recommended. 

His explanation of manually adjusting settings is practical in this matter. By referring to Power Apps admin center settings, who can create different types of environments and allocate add-on capacity can be identified. Furthermore, the usage of Microsoft Power Apps Administration PowerShell can be selected to restrict environment creations to admins.

Finally, the hint from Roth is about the Center of Excellence Starter Kit. This kit includes an environment request app that facilitates users to ask for an environment creation. All in all, progressive discussion about governance in Power Apps is highly encouraged.

Overview on Power Apps Governance

Power Apps, an aspect of Microsoft, allows individuals to build and use custom apps that connect to your business data. Retaining an organized and governed Power Apps' environment is crucial in its successful usage. A key part of this management is controlling the creation of environments. By effectively managing who has the capabilities to create and administer these environments, a company can ensure optimum use of available capacity and prevent overloading the system. With an established approval process, security considerations can be maintained while giving administrators room to maneuver. Power Apps seems to exhibit a dynamic equilibrium between performance, security, and user flexibility.

Read the full article Power Platform governance 02 - About limiting environment creation

Power Apps - Limiting Environment Creation in Power Platform Governance 02

Learn about Power Platform governance 02 - About limiting environment creation

Power Platform Management

Microsoft's Power Platform plays a crucial role in allowing users access to various organizational tools. However, understanding the policies around its environmental creation is necessary;

Choosing Who Can Create Environments?

Presently, all users who have a Dataverse license can create new production and sandbox environments, as well as trial environments. However, there needs to be certain limitations. Misuse and unrestricted creations of environments can have adverse repercussions such as affecting the tenant's performance and eating up your capacity. Hence, it's not the users' responsibility to manage environments but rather the low-code strategy team.

Maintaining Governance

Policies regarding environmental creation can either be left unaltered, permitting everyone to create new environments or can be restricted. We can choose to limit this to specific admins: Global Admins and Dynamics 365 Admins.

Capacity Allocations

  • Stringent restrictions must be placed on additional capacity allocations, limited to select admins to avoid needless pressure on the Power Platform's performance. This gives exclusive control to the Power Platform admin.
  • An approval process could allocate capacities to certain environments; here, an environment admin must present a business justification, maintaining security whilst also giving admins some maneuverability.

Changing the Environment Creation Settings

Go to the Power Platform admin centre and choose the Power Platform settings under the cogwheel icon at the top-right corner. Now we can specify who can create environments and who can allocate add-on capacities.

Options with PowerShell

Policies restricting the creation of environments to admins can be implemented via Power Apps Administration PowerShell.

Going ahead, the Center of Excellence Starter Kit will be discussed, which provides an environment request app out-of-the-box, enabling users to request an environment.

Sharing Experiences

I look forward to discussions, comments, and feedback related to your Power Platform governance experiences.


For more detailed information, follow the official Microsoft documentation - it covers controlling who can create and manage environments in the Power Platform admin center, planning, and managing license and capacity allocations, PowerShell support for Power apps, and more.

More links on about Power Platform governance 02 - About limiting environment creation

About limiting environment creation - Power Platform
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Power Platform governance, limiting environment creation, governance in Power Platform, environment creation restrictions, Power Platform environment, manage Power Platform, control Power Platform, limit Power Platform environments, Power Platform administration, Power Platform governance policies