Power Apps streamlined consent dialog begins rollout this week. The new updated and streamlined consent dialog will make it easier for Power Apps users to know exactly what they are consenting to.
We are excited to announce that a new streamlined Power Apps consent dialog is rolling out this week (April 15.) This update consolidates key consent information, removes confusing UI, and makes it much easier to understand the exact consent an app actually needs. Previously, many of the consent descriptions exceeded the permissions that were actually needed.
The consent dialog performs two crucial tasks: preparing all connections for the app and then asking for consent. If all connections are ready, the dialog will list the necessary actions and request user consent. However, if there are login issues, these must be resolved before giving consent. Users can switch accounts if needed to resolve connection issues.
This combination of previous improvements and the new streamlined experience will make the consent process much easier to understand for users.
Power Apps streamlined, consent dialog rollout, Power Apps update, streamlined consent Power Apps, Power Apps 2024 features, Power Apps enhancements, improved user consent Power Apps, Power Apps rollout update