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Dataverse File Sharing in Power Virtual Agents: A Guide
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Power Virtual Agents
Sep 15, 2022 6:00 AM

Dataverse File Sharing in Power Virtual Agents: A Guide

by HubSite 365 about Temmy Wahyu Raharjo

Citizen DeveloperPower Virtual AgentsM365 Hot News

Master file sharing in Power Virtual Agents using a Dataverse file type, from creation to download by users.

The blog post, written by Temmy Wahyu Raharjo, begins by outlining the concept of sharing a file in Power Virtual Agents using the Dataverse File data type. It describes a scenario where a user uploads a file to a Dataverse table. This file is then made visible/downloadable when other users interact with the Power Virtual Agent(Chat Bot). This process involves multiple technology stacks including Dataverse, SharePoint, Power Automate, and then PVA all under the umbrella of Power Platform technology. Despite the approach being somewhat unconventional, the author chose to learn and share this design strategy for wider comprehension.

The author then gets into the technical details. He created a table in Dataverse, followed by developing custom API code in C#, utilizing namespaces including Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk, System, and Newtonsoft.Json among others. The code explains the creation of a plugin, GetPolicyUpdateApi, which fetches policies based on a search input; iteratively processing them and preparing a response that includes the policy name, description, and a downloadable file, if available.Learn more about Power Virtual Agents here.

The post elaborately describes how files are handled. In cases when the response contains file attachment, it necessitates the creation of a temporary table in SharePoint, file creation, folder, and file sharing based on the provided Base64String. The return message to the Power Virtual Agent(Chat Bot) is then prepared. For detailed steps, a short YouTube video is recommended by the author. If the response does not contain a file attachment however, the data from Dataverse displaying the name and description would suffice.

Deep Dive into the Main Topic

The concept of Power Virtual Agents is part of the Microsoft Power Platform. They're trained bots capable of simulating human interaction, enabling organizations to provide top-tier customer service without exhausting the human resources. The author has explained the process of sharing a file using the PVA in combination with other Microsoft Services, including Dataverse, SharePoint, and Power Automate.

Microsoft's Dataverse provides a secure and cloud-based storage option for data. Files uploaded in Dataverse can be accessed in an organized manner, making it a useful tool for corporations with vast data usage and sharing requirements. SharePoint is a web-based collaborative platform that integrates with Microsoft Office. It enables the management of data and its secure transmission.

The use of custom API codes allows for the automated execution of established processes in order to fetch and share the designated file. In scenarios where the file is not found, data including the file name and description are shared instead of the file itself. This is an efficient strategy, employing robust Microsoft features to automate file sharing in a secure and user-friendly way.

This process becomes even more effective with Power Automate, a service providing automated workflow between apps and services. Considering the functionalities of all these Microsoft services and their integration, we can deduce that this file sharing process could exhibit immense value in diverse organizational frameworks, not just in customer service but also in aspects such as employee training and internal communication.

Read the full article Share File into Power Virtual Agents from Dataverse File data type

Power Virtual Agents - Dataverse File Sharing in Power Virtual Agents: A Guide

Learn about Share File into Power Virtual Agents from Dataverse File data type

Our topic is about sharing files into Power Virtual Agents via the Dataverse file data type. The blogger narrates the process by discussing interactions with a table in Dataverse and then allowing the user to upload a file to it. When another user communicates with the chatbot, referred to as the PVA, the user gets the opportunity to view or download the file.

Dataverse, SharePoint, Power Automate, and PVA work in sync under the umbrella of Power Platform technology to facilitate such file sharing. Although the blogger acknowledges that setting the source of the file in Dataverse might not be the most effective architecture, it provides an opportunity to explore and understand this design better.

To illustrate the subject further, the writer provides a step-by-step guide on coding a File Attachment Model in Dataverse using C# language. The code highlights the crucial functions, parameters, and code lines required to map the uploaded file on Dataverse and allow it to be shared through the chatbot system. This code dealt with the possible file types and made sure the application could show the file based on its type.

The following stage in the tutorial is concerned with FetchXML, a proprietary, XML-based language provided in the Dynamics 365 series of software tools for querying data.

A critical detail to mention is the utilization of InitializeFileBlocksDownload and DownloadBlock actions; these actions assist with working in File columns. Once this stage is completed, a Custom API can be created using tools such as the XrmToolBox plugin or the Custom API Manager by David Rivard.

Next, the tutorial proceeds with the SharePoint platform, where a new site must be created and the design preference needs to be chosen according to users' accessibility to the file.

The next segment of the tutorial features Power Automate, the Robotic Process Automation (RPA) tool of the Microsoft Power Platform solution. The blogger meticulously details each critical stage of Power Automate implementation while referencing visual aid for better understanding.

The last part of the guide pertains to the setup of the Power Virtual Agent. The software has to be programmed to get the desired parameters and show the result of the implementation. It is an effortless yet comprehensive walkthrough that can aid any Power Platform user towards achieving seamless file sharing between Dataverse and Power Virtual Agents.

Apart from the coding and technical application usage, the blogger also imparts some essential knowledge about the functionalities of various Power Platform components, their applications, and interoperability. They also provide valuable tips, like using Temporary Table in SharePoint and demonstrations on how to share the Folder and the File created.

To further deepen your understanding of this subject, you could look into advanced courses on Power Automate, SharePoint, and Dynamics 365. This post ends off on a congratulatory note, celebrating a newfound understanding of a particular aspect of the Microsoft Power Platform, implicitly encouraging forward momentum towards even more content-heavy material in the future.

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Power Virtual Agents, Dataverse File data type, Share File, SEO, Search Keywords, File Sharing, Virtual Agents Sharing, Dataverse SEO, Power Virtual SEO, Dataverse File Sharing