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Optimizing Teams Adaptive Card Output with Power Automate: A Guide
Power Automate
Jan 14, 2023 3:19 AM

Optimizing Teams Adaptive Card Output with Power Automate: A Guide

by HubSite 365 about Microsoft

Software Development Redmond, Washington

Citizen DeveloperPower AutomateTeamsM365 Hot News

Unleashing Power Automate for Adaptive Card Output in Microsoft Teams by Expert

Use cards to disseminate and collect information or approvals. In this 7-minute

citizen developer-focused demo, Nathalie Leenders shows how Teams Adaptive cards

deliver a direct output, parse JSON and store output with the help of Power

Automate. Create card starting in Adaptive Cards Designer and choosing the

Microsoft Teams, theme, and target version v1.4 or newer. Walk through the Power

Automate flow to post card, collect/store response, send confirming mail in

Teams chat. Capability in Cards for Power Apps (Preview).

This PnP Community demo is taken from the Microsoft Power Platform community

call – December 2022, recorded on December 21, 2022.

Demo Presenter Nathalie Leenders | @NathLeenders

Supporting materials

• Tool – Adaptive Cards Designer |

• Documentation - Cards for Power Apps overview (preview) |…

• Blog - Power Platform tips & tricks |