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Maximize Microsoft 365 Features: Expand & Pop Out Tips by Mark
M365 Admin
19. Okt 2022 17:53

Maximize Microsoft 365 Features: Expand & Pop Out Tips by Mark

von HubSite 365 über Mark Kashman (The KashBox)

Senior Product Manager at Microsoft (SharePoint)

Pro UserM365 AdminSharePoint Online

Unlock productivity with Microsoft 365! Discover pop-out & expand features to declutter and focus, enhancing your workspace efficiency.

Our topic today is about managing digital clutter and distractions in your workspace. In the age of information overload, where countless tasks fight for our attention, it's of paramount importance to focus on what matters most. Mark Kashman, in his blog post titled "Microsoft 365 - Pop out and expand to see and do more," highlights some key features built into Microsoft 365 that can help users eliminate distractions and increase productivity.

The main intent of this article is to pivot our attention towards the "Expand view" and "Pop out" features in many applications across Microsoft 365. According to Kashman, these functions are a unique way to create our workspace - decluttered, focused, and adaptable to our needs.

The "Pop out" and "Expand view" features, though subtle, can have a significant impact on our perception of digital space. By clicking the "Hide header and navigation" button, we can clear out unnecessary elements like side navigation and site headers. This function is particularly useful in Lists and Libraries, where it allows you to see more data on a single screen, enabling you to channel your attention efficiently.

Another feature that lends itself to productivity is the "Pop out chat" option in Teams. It allows users to have one-on-one or group chats in a separate window. This can be especially beneficial while multitasking, as it ensures that important points of discussion don't go unread and unnoticed.

Discussing specific examples, Kashman mentions how the pop-out feature can be used to manage tasks and notes. For example, the Microsoft Lists list used to track The Intrazone podcast episodes can be expanded to see the entire list, facilitating easy updates. Microsoft 365 Admin also allows the option to explore the "Full Screen Mode", which allows users to focus on one task and keep the rest at bay. In Kashman's case, it's helpful while recording episodes for The Intrazone.

It’s not just about Teams or Lists - this productivity-enhancing trick extends to various apps across Microsoft 365 including Outlook, OneDrive, SharePoint news, Word, Stream videos, and more. The end message from Kashman is clear - focus on what matters by clearing the clutter. It’s a simple step towards enhancing productivity.

Our thoughts on matter

We believe that in the realm of endless digital noise, such unique features designed to enhance focus and productivity are a boon. Microsoft 365 not only provides the toolset to manage your daily tasks but also ensures that you can efficiently navigate through them. By utilizing features that clear out the clutter and aid in focusing, we can tailor our workspace to suit our needs, thereby improving productivity and minimizing distractions.

Read the full article Microsoft 365 - Pop out and expand to see and do more by Mark

Microsoft 365 Admin - Maximize Microsoft 365 Features: Expand & Pop Out Tips by Mark

Learn about Microsoft 365 - Pop out and expand to see and do more by Mark

Microsoft 365 offers a plethora of features aimed at enhancing productivity and minimizing distractions. One such feature is the ability to expand the viewing space on various apps using the "Expand view" or "Pop out" options. This provides users with more room to think, breathe and maintain their focus on the task at hand. The importance of these features cannot be overstated as they help to elevate productivity and make the workday less strenuous.

For instance, the “Hide header and navigation” (expand/contrast) button allows users to see more columns on one screen for lists and a broader view of web parts and sections for pages. This clears the chrome of the left-hand navigation and site header, providing more space for work. The advantage of this lies in the ability to view more information about each file, aiding focus and concentration.

Particularly within SharePoint, finding the “Hide header and navigation” 'expand' button in the upper right can yield significant results. By clicking it, users can view more of the SharePoint team site, creating an easier and more efficient user experience. It's a powerful way to view more data, do more, and minimize distraction.

  • Unexpanded view: The home page of a SharePoint team site in normal view with navigation elements.
  • Expanded view: The home page of a SharePoint team site in expanded view, where all navigation elements are hidden.

Microsoft 365's chat feature also allows for simplification by popping out one-on-one or group chats into a separate window. This can mitigate the chance of forgetting important tasks. Take for example the case of sending a Viva Insights praise of “Thanks” to a peer. By popping out the chat for this action, you ensure that the task doesn't get marked as read and slip below the view in the Teams Chat app.

A more considerable option exists to pop out the whole Viva Insights app experience as its exclusive window. This action opens up numerous possibilities, maintaining tasks top-of-mind or “open in the background”. When working on a tab in a Teams channel, an expansion of the view removes information on the left side of the screen, providing ample horizontal space.

Full Screen Mode proves to be a popular function in OneNote, where it allows users to focus on a single task without the distraction of multiple notebooks, sections, and pages. The ability to fade away unnecessary information and see the breadth of intention placed on the OneNote canvas has proven to be invaluable for users.

This expand/collapse feature is available in a wide range of apps in Microsoft 365, including Outlook, OneDrive, Lists, SharePoint news, Word, Stream videos, and more, showing its incredibility usefulness and versatility. No doubt, such features will continue to provide the magic touch to enhance both user productivity and satisfaction.

More links on about Microsoft 365 - Pop out and expand to see and do more by Mark

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Microsoft 365, Expand Microsoft 365, Microsoft 365 features, Mark's Microsoft 365 Guide, Pop out Microsoft 365, Microsoft 365 Optimization by Mark, Microsoft 365 enhancements, Improve Microsoft 365 performance, Mark's Microsoft 365 Improvements, Microsoft 365 tips.