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Premium Preview: Advanced Microsoft Teams Meeting Recap Features
30. Sept 2023 08:30

Premium Preview: Advanced Microsoft Teams Meeting Recap Features

von HubSite 365 über Microsoft

Software Development Redmond, Washington

Pro UserM365 Release

Unlock AI-assisted insights with Microsoft Teams Premiums advanced Recap feature for a comprehensive meeting overview.

Microsoft has introduced advanced meeting recap functionalities for Teams Premium users. Leveraging artificial intelligence (AI), these features allow users to access a comprehensive meeting overview using the new 'Recap' tab in Teams. The objective is to help users effectively follow-up on meetings by providing AI-assisted recording and transcription playback.

This cutting-edge experience is available on the Teams calendar and chat app, permitting users to peruse the recording by speakers whilst also accessing AI-generated suggested notes, suggested tasks, and @mentions.

The intelligent features for Teams Premium are applicable for meetings that have been transcribed and recorded. Users have the option to remain anonymous in meeting transcripts, accessible via Teams setting -> Captions and Transcripts.

Please note that initially, the AI-generated notes and tasks will only be available in English, with the availability of other languages to be communicated at a later date. Additionally, some features, like topics, will not be available during this initial release, but their availability will be announced in due time.

To facilitate this new feature, IT administrators will need to set an update policy that activates 'Show preview features.' Users can then individually choose to join the public preview.

  • Windows: Yes
  • macOS: Yes
  • iOS: Yes
  • Android: Yes
  • Linux: Yes

Additional platforms, such as Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Microsoft Edge, also support this feature.

Microsoft’s Pursuit of Quality and Customer Obsession

Microsoft continually pursues quality and customer obsession by providing advanced features that offer more comprehensive experiences to users. The AI-enabled meeting recap function, for example, demonstrates a commitment to making the Teams platform more versatile. It empowers users to consume meeting recaps in more efficient and effective ways, supporting the smooth function of remote and in-office collaboration in the corporate sector. This is part of Microsoft's broader mission of enabling seamless virtual communication and productivity in the digital age.

Read the full article Microsoft Teams Advanced Meeting Recap Features: Premium Preview

Teams Premium - Premium Preview: Advanced Microsoft Teams Meeting Recap Features

Learn about Microsoft Teams Advanced Meeting Recap Features: Premium Preview

If you're wondering how to enhance your remote communication through video conferencing tools, this article will introduce you to Microsoft's new features for Premium users. These features leverage Artificial Intelligence to make meetings more efficient and organized. Let's delve into details.

The new capabilities we are talking about can be found in the 'Recap' section of Microsoft's software, at once sleek, practical, and powered by AI. This feature is intended for those holding a new type of account – the Premium one.

Several communication platforms offer meeting overviews, but what makes this one so special? AI, that's what. The AI-infused features in this premium subscription ensure personalized highlights and key takeaways from your meetings. Sounds exciting? Let's explore how you can activate and use these features for your upcoming appointments.

A premium subscription to this collaborative platform unlocks the Intelligent Meeting Recap. This potent functionality brews an extensive AI-guided overview after every meeting or conference you host or participate. The recap feature ensures you can replay a meeting in minutes that might have lasted hours, hence helping users catch-up, recall, and act upon what was discussed during the meeting.

Every recording or transcript provided by the meeting recap is powered with AI assistance. Moreover, accessibility is made simple, the recap tab is located in both the application's calendar and Chat app. Users will now be able to skim through the AI-enhanced recording by speakers, and can even review AI-suggested notes, tasks, and @mentions. Convincing right? Keep reading for instructions on how to get started.

The process is relatively easy. If you're interested, the first step is to visit this link: Remember, if you want to enable the Public Preview for the first time, refer to the 'Enable the public preview for Teams' section.

In terms of platform compatibility, the feature is supported across many systems and browsers. This includes Windows, macOS, iOS, Android, Linux, along with Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Microsoft Edge. Quite universal, right?

Important to note, AI-generated notes and tasks are only available in English during the initial release. However, updates on availability in other languages will be communicated in due course.

One can also enable the Teams client for public preview. IT admins must set an update policy that enables 'Show preview features.' Individual users then have to decide to join the public preview.

Your feedback is valuable! If you have any comments on either these new features or any other parts of Teams, you can communicate directly through Teams via Help > Give feedback.

So, what's next in enhancing your remote communication capabilities? Keep tabs on the advancements and updates rolled out by Microsoft. Broaden your digital horizons from today!

More links on about Microsoft Teams Advanced Meeting Recap Features: Premium Preview

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Microsoft Teams, Advanced Meeting, Recap Features, Premium Preview, Teams Update, Microsoft Collaboration, Teams Meeting Recap, Microsoft Premium, Teams Advanced Features, Microsoft Teams Update