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Eurostat data in Power BI with a few clicks
Power BI
23. Mai 2023 09:50

Eurostat data in Power BI with a few clicks

von HubSite 365 über Curbal

Data AnalyticsPower BIM365 Hot News

Eurostat data in Power BI with a few clicks provides a fast and easy way to access and analyze Eurostat data.

Eurostat data in Power BI with a few clicks provides a fast and easy way to access and analyze Eurostat data. Power BI is a powerful business analytics platform that allows users to quickly create stunning visuals and insights from data. With the new Eurostat direct query connector in Power BI, users can now pull Eurostat data into Power BI with a few clicks and it auto-refreshes.

This means that users no longer have to manually download and refresh data from Eurostat, saving time and effort. Furthermore, the connector provides the ability to filter, aggregate, and analyze Eurostat data in Power BI, allowing for a more efficient and comprehensive analysis.

Here you can download all the pbix files:


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