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New Features in Power Platform Developer Tools: November Update
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Oct 20, 2022 9:09 AM

New Features in Power Platform Developer Tools: November Update

by HubSite 365 about Microsoft

Software Development Redmond, Washington

Citizen DeveloperDeveloper ToolsPower DevOpsM365 Release

Explore our November update for Power Platform Developer Tools - New features, Managed Identities support in Azure DevOps, and more!

Exciting times are ahead as Microsoft announces the latest 2022 update for the Power Platform Developer Tools. The update introduces new features for Power Platform CLI, Azure DevOps, and GitHub actions brimming with potential.

Arguably the most demanded feature support for Managed Identities in Azure DevOps is here. This enhancement caters to Azure DevOps pipelines and self-hosted agent pools. Before getting started, an Azure VM Scale Set needs to be created via the Azure Portal. The VM Agent pool can either be a system managed or a user managed identity, identification of the object id is crucial at this step.

A new agent pool can be added directing to the VM scale set with a useful name. For minimized virtual machine option, opt for five, keeping it simple. Furthermore, set the number of agents on standby as two followed by create option. This sets up a new agent pool to ply in your Azure DevOps pipeline.

Post this setup, a service connection needs creation to utilize the managed identity for authentication. The environment's URL needs to be provided for the URL parameter. Access should be ensured that the App id for the managed environment has permission to import solutions in the dev environment. The application ID for Power Platform is required here.

Now, add this application ID to the environment and assign it an appropriate role. Once these steps are fulfilled, change your agent pool to the freshly created one. Install.NET core 6.x is necessary if Linux agents are being used in your VM pool when running the pipeline.

Another improvement is the capacity to assign groups to new environments. Earlier, user and application user assigning capability was launched, but now, even user groups have gotten this provision. This feature can be enforced via command line, GitHub Actions, and Azure DevOps.

Power Platform Pipelines have gained additional support. CLI users of Power Platform now have the utility to list and execute pipelines formed in Power Platform Pipelines. The introduction of two new verbs, list for listing pipelines and deploy for deploying pipelines, is announced.

In conclusion, the final update of 2022 for Power Platform Developer Tools is loaded with new possibilities. The turnout of the features has enthralled developers with anticipation. A minor footnote to remember, Managed identities currently do not support GitHub actions. Microsoft sends out early holiday wishes, hoping to start the New Year with more surprises.

More about Developer Tools

Developing resources have gained more accessibility and flexibility with the introduction of features like Managed Identities. Power Platform CLI, Azure DevOps, and other Tools are progressively developing interfaces that are more user-friendly and efficient. Features like pipeline listing and deploying have opened new avenues for task optimization. The ability to assign users and user groups is a step forward in the authorization department. For more information, visit the Developer Tools Blog


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Developer Tools - New Features in Power Platform Developer Tools: November Update

Learn about November Update for Power Platform Developer Tools: New Features

The software world is always buzzing with updates, and no entity knows this better than Microsoft's Power Platform. Developers eagerly anticipate the release of its crucial updates, and the most recent and final version for 2022 came in November—a roll-out positively packed with new features.

One of the most significant additions that this latest update brings is the Support for Managed Identities in Azure DevOps, one of the most requested features by users. Managed Identities support is associated with Azure DevOps pipelines. Azure users will need to create an Azure VM Scale Set using the Azure Portal before getting started.

Developers may not know it yet, but the managed identities feature can provide enormous benefits. In the past, secrets and key roll-over were a cause of concern for many. But the wonder of managed identities is that Azure and your organizational policies look after these details. That means no potential headaches, allowing you more time to focus on development.

This update is not limited to making Managed Identities available; it also extends the capability to assign-user, application users, and, following developer demand, user groups. Additionally, these new improvements aren't just CLI-bound; they're accessible via GitHub Actions and Azure DevOps.

The Power Platform also includes an update for Power Platform Pipelines. Developers can now use the CLI (Command Line Interface) to list and execute pipelines that they have constructed in Power Platform Pipelines, increasing efficiency and productivity.

Virtual Agents is another noun that no longer sits behind a feature flag—officially making its entry with this update. This introduction comes with only a single verb—'list,' which names every virtual agent present in your environment.

In conclusion, Microsoft continues to roll out monthly updates, aiming to surprise and satisfy its user base. It's worth mentioning that, due to the holiday season, the next December/January will likely be scheduled for release in February of the coming year.

If you're interested in diving deeper into these topics, take a look at the following resources:

We hope you all had happy holidays and are looking forward to a great new year filled with even more exciting updates from the Power Platform!

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November Update for Power Platform Developer Tools
“We are glad to announce the release of our final 2022 deliverable, the November update for Power Platform CLI, Azure DevOps, and GitHub actions.


Power Platform Developer Tools, November Update, New Features, Power Platform Update, Power Platform Tools, Power Tools Update, Developer Tools Update, November Power Platform, Power Platform Features, November Developer Tools.