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Premium Meeting Protection for Teams - Secure Collaboration
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Sep 26, 2023 1:56 PM

Premium Meeting Protection for Teams - Secure Collaboration

by HubSite 365 about Sara Fennah (The Teams Queen Blog)

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Unlock advanced features with Microsoft Teams Premium: Customise & secure meetings, explore AI enhancements, set up webinars and schedule virtual appointments.

Learn about Teams Premium Meeting Protection

For those who wish to dive deep into Microsoft Teams' tools and features, it's crucial to grasp the functionalities of Teams Premium and Meeting Protection tools. This article will help you understand an array of features including Meeting Customisation, Meeting AI Features, Webinars, and Virtual Appointments, among others. The comprehensive overview also includes guides on setting up Teams Premium and navigating its public preview

The article tackles Meeting Protection of enhanced Teams experience and explores features such as watermarking tools, application of sensitivity labels, and end-to-end encryption for meetings. One key highlight is the introduction of meeting templates which helps in simplifying the creation of different types of meetings with pre-selected meeting options.

Teams Premium users are granted additional features for their meetings, namely Apply Sensitivity Labels, Manage What Attendees Can See, Enable Green Room, Who can record, Apply a watermark to shared content, Apply a watermark to everyone's video feed, Meeting Theme, and end-to-end encryption.

Understanding Teams Premium wouldn't be complete without having a good grasp of watermarking. This is designed as a deterrent to stop attendees taking and sharing screenshot of meetings and people in the meeting by overlaying their email addresses onto the incoming video and shared content. This cannot block screenshots, but it ensures that if screenshots are shared then the source can be conveniently traced.

For an effective Teams Premium use, one key feature to take note of is end-to-end encryption which provides an additional layer of security with encryption applied at the start of data transmission and decrypted at the end. This important feature encompasses audio, video, and screen sharing, fortifying the security of your Teams meeting experience.

Sensitivity labels can now be assigned to meetings. Having control over such protection settings allow meeting hosts, organisers and admins to limit access to the meeting invite and responses in Outlook and Teams as well as the meeting and chat in Teams. This is especially effective when used alongside meeting templates for the majority of users.

As the options within Teams Premium may come with a certain level of complexity, it's strongly recommended for users looking to learn more to check out Microsoft's online learning platforms or courses. These can provide structured lessons on navigating through Teams Premium's offerings, ensuring that you're fully equipped to make good use of this package.

In summary, whether it's about creating a meeting template, safely managing chats, or even needing to encrypt a meeting for safety, Teams Premium has an array of functionalities designed to make your Microsoft Teams experience secure, productive, and optimized.

More links on about Teams Premium Meeting Protection

Microsoft Teams Premium - Overview for administrators
5 days ago — Enhanced meeting experiences for your end users; Enhanced security and protection for meetings; Enhanced administrative and telemetry support.
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Teams Premium Security, Meeting Protection Software, Teams Meeting Safeguard, Premium Meeting Protection, Corporate Meeting Security, Secure Teams Meetings, Advanced Teams Meeting Safety, Business Meeting Protection, Teams Premium Anti-Hack, Teams Meeting Data Protection