This text discusses adding and displaying an Event Host on a unique Event Overview page inside an Events Portal series. After exploring the formation of an Events Overview page and showcasing pertinent details of individual Event records, the focus moved towards adding a segment to highlight potential event speakers. We might also want to display the event host's information, including the host's name, title, company, biography, and photo, formatted in a clean and legible card. To achieve this, you first need to setup your Event Team Members.
The Events Portal series is a powerful tool that offers the ability to showcase the event host alongside event details and possible speakers. Not only does this offer attendees easy access to all pertinent information, but it also provides a sense of connection by personalizing the event. Having a clear image of the hosts helps attendees relate to them. Moreover, clearly shared roles and distinct indications of each host's capacities promote streamlined engagement, fortifying the success of your event. Establishing such a system simplifies managing your event, ensuring a professional display of your team set up.
In this post, we will look at how to display the Event Host on an individual Event Overview page in a events portal. This includes setting up the Event Team Members and adding their records, along with adding a central place for their profile photo to be stored. We will also look at how to create a formatted card to show the name, title and company of the host, along with their bio and photo. We will need to use a query to get the right details on to the portal page, along with adjusting any queries to include other types of team members.
The first step is to set up the Event Team Members and add their records. This includes adding a new value to the Role field for Event Host (if it doesn't exist out of the box), and adding a description for what the team member does at the company. We will then need to add a new column of the data type Image to the Event Team Member record, making sure the Primary image box is ticked. Once published, we should be able to see an image next to the name on an Event Team Member record.
Once the Event Team Member records have been set up, we can then look at creating the formatted card to display the information. This will include the name, title and company of the host, along with their bio and photo. We can also use this card to show any speakers that might be a part of the event.
In summary, this post looks at how to display the Event Host on an individual Event Overview page in a events portal. This includes setting up the Event Team Members and adding their records, along with adding a central place for their profile photo to be stored. We will also look at how to create a formatted card to show the name, title and company of the host, along with their bio and photo. We will need to use a query to get the right details on to the portal page, along with adjusting any queries to include other types of team members.
Microsoft, Events Portal, Event Host, Event Team Member, Event Record, User Record